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Coolant temperature sensor replacement

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Dear all,


I wanted to replace the coolant temperature sensor on my Legacy L 95, and searched the forum on that subject. Found plenty of helpful information, however it is not really clear if one needs to drain some of the coolant. Some say yes, while others don'y mention anything about that. So, if the cooland needs to be drained, how do I do it? There are several members of the forum that do not recommend draining through engine block drain plugs. If not through those, then through thermostat? Or something else?


Thanks a bunch!



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Facing towards the front of the engine: bottom of the radiator, on the right. There is a petcock. Basically, place one end of a piece of 1/4 inch rubber tubing around the nipple at the bottom and the other end into some sort of catch container (very clean and dry if you're planning to put the stuff back in when you're done). Turn the wing nut looking thing to the left to loosen. Coolant will flow freely. When enough coolant has flowed out, righty tighty the wing nut thingy.


Oh...there should be a splash guard underneath that side of the radiator to be removed. Should be 3? or 4? screws.


As always, be sure engine is cold. But I'd say if youll be messing with the manifold, that would go without saying. ;)

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Dear all,


I wanted to replace the coolant temperature sensor on my Legacy L 95, and searched the forum on that subject. Found plenty of helpful information, however it is not really clear if one needs to drain some of the coolant. Some say yes, while others don'y mention anything about that. So, if the cooland needs to be drained, how do I do it? There are several members of the forum that do not recommend draining through engine block drain plugs. If not through those, then through thermostat? Or something else?


Thanks a bunch!




Since the sensor is high up on the engine block, not much coolant is lost when removing the old sensor, specialy if you're ready with the new one. One way to make the job even cleaner is to lower the coolant level in the rad by an inch or two. You can use a baster pump or a syphon. That's what I did when I replaced mine.

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