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Hesitation & stalling: Rear fuel filter??

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Hi, I noticed a bunch of posts related to hesitation & stalling and I have been having a hesitation problem with my 87 GL (non turbo FI) also, despite checking vaccuums & top fuel filter. Some guy I met told me he had great success solving the problem by "cleaning out" the "rear fuel filter". I didn't know the guy & we didn't chat long, but this got me thinking and I checked out underneath my own car. There is a filter-like unit in the fuel line, shortly after the tank, that looks like it has the sending unit attached to it. Does anyone know if this is the "rear fuel filter" and what is the procedure for cleaning it out?

Many thanks,


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methinks he means the fuel strainer... which is damn near impossible to get to i believe since i think it's actually inside the fuel tank or attached directly to the fuel pump. but don't take my word for it, i know nothing about the model you're asking about

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