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Boost talk time.

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Supposedly, the effeciency of the stock turbo runs out at 13.8psi. Read that on here a long time ago. Anything over that is really just making your air hotter than it needs to be as I understand it.


Now, back in the day, when my car was actually quick... I was running the stock turbo, WRX TMIC, stock exhaust. I had the boost set at 13psi. Daily driving 12psi was all i'd see. With a good third gear pull it would go to 13, on the freeway, it would peg 15psi. However, on the freeway the psi just didn't feel like it was doing anything.


For you Will... I would reccommend shooting for 13psi, that way if it spikes, it shouldn't spike over 15psi or so.

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Thanks for the recomendation. I am going to play with 12 to 14 when I get the PCV peice replaced and the MBC in my posession. :banana:


Edit: i wonder if we can use the disco monkey over here....





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