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problem getting wcss6 posters and kinkos

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soooo today was the 3rd time i went to kinkos. i have been trying to get posters and flyers made. this was the first time i spoke with someone who didn't need the employe handbook to work a copier. she told me they don't archive files and the only other means would be if it was under a company or dockstore account, which i would need a password for. i told her it was under WCSS6 and even showed a printout of the post that it was mentioned. i get >"sorry"...... WHAT!!!:banghead: now i am sooo fed up i will only go back there one more time to get them done, or kinkos is on my blacklist!


unless i missing something here and it's my fault somehow.

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Well, technically it is your fault. The directions in the original thread told you to contact me and I would have the file sent to the store of your choice. They do not archive to a national database. It is archived locally and they will email the folder to the store near you. I need the address and store number and see if you can get an "attention of" person. Then I can have my local store send it off. After they have the file it is a piece of cake.

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this is the only post i read about them


Went to Kinko's today where I had the posters done originally and they have archived them for us. That means anyone who wants one, can go to the nearest Kinko's and use the identifier "WCSS6" (without quotes) and print them off. You'll be charged for the printing. The files for the color poster are available in 8.5x11 and 11x17 .pdf formats. You'll find the 11x17 version leaves about 1-1/2 inches of white in the top and bottem margin which you can have them cut off to trim to an 11x14 poster or leave them as they are. The black&while flyer is still in .tif format which they'll convert to .pdf for a small fee. They print best on heavy stock, glossy poster paper but that's about $3 for an 11x17. Slightly less for lighter poster paper. I don't remember the file names, but it should be obvious to them which is which since it includes the paper size in the filename; also the black and white flyer is identified as bw ????.tif The black and white flyer can be cut vertically in half for two flyers as handouts. I usually print out one and then hit the copy machine for as many as I want and slice them up to give out with the color posters.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe it´s posted on the earlier WCSS6 thread. But realistically, it might not work. I have it on CD and it´s around 24 megs in Tif file.


Could someone just post a decent jpeg of the poster (good scan or transfrom direct from file)? That way we could just print out our own 8 1/2 x 11 copies to hand out locally, possible??



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