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Sometimes I feel I'm being ignored.

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About a month ago, maybe less, (I'm too tired at the moment to go through the archives). I posted on here about a little buisness that I was planning on starting up, well, the thread got very few replies, and almost no interest, and it dropped off. Needless to say, I had planned on throwing the whole idea out the window, cause there is no point to starting a buisness if there is no interest in the product, and just go on with my dreary job of working on fords and hondas.

I bring this up again because of all the down in the dumps, "I'm so depressed there are no parts left for my soob" threads that have popped up. You guys want body parts???

To recap my previous post, I have the will and the know how to duplicate body parts in fibergalss, the only real problem is getting the molds made up, but if I can get my hands on a good piece, I can make a mold in a few days, I have some of the basics here, Gen I hood, Gen II hood and fenders, and Gen III hood and fenders, I can actually get these molds made up if I actually saw interest. Also, one of the more better things is that I can make whole hoods or fenders with scoops and vents and stuff made into, one piece, bolts right on. So if I can see a couple hands go up that think they would be willing to spend 250 on a set of fenders or 200 on a hood, I will be quite willing to haul the stuff outa storage and get too work. ALthough mind you, I leave next friday for Colorado to do Army stuff for 2 1/2 weeks, getting back just in time for WCSS.

On a side note, there are a number of other things that I planned on producing as well, but don't want to spend too much time writing it down on there, if you interested, look for the thread about NDJ Engineering.

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I totally missed your thread, I kind of go in spurts with the board, on constantly and then off for a couple days....


I think you've got a great idea. infact, I just today posted a thread about fiberglass fenders for a gen 1.


In a reply Craven pointed out that there are a pair on ebay right now. I will buy them provide some board member doesn't snipe me. I'd be happy to let you take molds off these when I get them in trade (partial or what ever) for a gen 1 hood (got any experience with carbon fiber?)


Anyway keep us posted and shoot me a pm i fyou're interested in the fenders for molds.



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I may be interested in a fiberglass hood with a wrx style (but not as wide so that it fits on the hump) hood scoop for the EA82T. This would save me the trouble of installing the scoop for my intercooler and shed a few pounds, but then I would have to have it painted. I think I would go for it for $200 if the shipping won't be too bad.

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Ya, I'm working on the whole shipping deal. Thing is, I've been all over the country, I've done a lot of things. But until recently, I've never actually sat down and thought about all the things and all the people I know. So I'm finally putting it all together, and working on a way to not only put a little cash in my pocket (which is never a bad thing, we all shoot for that), but more importantly help out the community that I love so much. I've actually had offers making parts for a honda only custom shop, after walking in and spending about 10 minutes talking to the owner (some kid like 4 years younger than me, with a mommy and daddy with WAY too much money) I couldn't bring myself to stoop down there. But I'm wandering off as I have tendancy to do.

So I'm working on a way to mass ship a bunch of parts over to the left coast, one shipment would prolly consist of 5 sets of fender and 5 hoods. In about 6 months time IF I get enough orders I will have the ability to mass produce a pretty good amount of stock stuff in a pretty reasonably time (month to 6 weeks for like 20-30 fenders & hoods) provided the market is there.

But I don't want to limit to just stock repros, I would love to make one or two offs for people, hoods with scoops and vents, body kits for the street guys, flared open fenders for the offroad guys. I don't want to divulge too much info, but there are some pretty sweet stuffs in the works for you RX guys out there, would make any older soobs sweet rides that may even win awards at some serious shows.

As far as carbon fiber, I think I mentioned it above, I have no problem making stuff with it, as long as I can sell it (i.e. people will actually put down the green backs to pay for CF, cause it ain't exactly cheap)

Also, one thing that would cost some serious bucks, that I'm working on making, something that would prolly really make the RX guys drool, how would you like to shed a few pounds, how bout that rear hatch, ever try to lift it after the shocks go out?! hehe, imagine it weighing only a 3rd to a quarter that, I'm talking CF and lexan!!!!!

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Welp, I'm hearing nothing but good here. This weekend I"m going to get started on getting all the supplies together. I am going to try my hardest to get some stuff made up before the WCSS, display models of sorts, although they will prolly be installed on vehicles going up there. The only real problem is the fact that I only have 10 days at home to work on stuff, I leave for Co on the 5th of next month, and won't be back home until the 23rd, just days before the WCSS. But if I don't get anything made before then, it will be pretty shortly afterwards. As soon as I get all the production equipment set up, I can have stuff turned out in about a month. So if your lookin for something, lemme know at the show (or for those that can't make it) around the time of the show, and I should have stuff ready to ship by mid to late September. I will prolly have a webpage up and running about the time I get full into the swing of things. Thanks all for the support.

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As someone who has tried a similar venture, but started with SVXes. I did it, trying to grow it into a full time and full pay operation, but never really quite made it due to outside circumstances, mostly involving $$$. I am about to start a new job doing much of the same thing, but for a major manufacturer. I used my product as a portfolio of sorts and it helped me land the job.


Anyways...a few of my observations from my venture:


1. It's hard to sell parts that cost a significant percentage of the value of the vehicle, and for EA81/82 vehicles that's a tough proposition


2. Making molds always takes more time and money than you think, especially for custom stuff.


3. The price you can get for the part doesn't leave much margin for you if you are talking about hoods and sets of fenders selling for $200ish.


Now...if you are looking at this as more of a hobby and bonus fun money instead of a full time job, then yeah, go for it! Have some fun, and you never know what could develop.


That's how I started out, just as a hobbist. Soon I had a dozen orders and I was very happy. Then I lost my 'day' job, and had to try to make the parts business pay the bills. That was tough, esp. without any savings to work from and being at the startup phase. I'll be glad to return to hobby status, it was much more enjoyable that way.


Good luck with it. I know I will have some XT/XT6 projects done someday, but I don't expect to make much money off them, but I will get my own personal enjoyment out of it, and that will make it worthwhile to me.


PM me if you'd like to discuss further.



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i was just thinking today that replicating my hood in fiberglass, and widening the hump in the middle would be an excellent way to put my STi scoop on the buggy and shave off a few pounds. unfortunately, i dont have any experience with fiberglass, and im not sure id have the patience to work with it long enough to make something quality. if you think you could help me out, lemme know. i need to put the scoop on around the same time my intercooler goes in. otherwise im installing an interheater, which isnt a good addition to a turbo system.

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I missed that too Adam sorry and I am with skunkaroo on the gen1 stage 1 stuff cause I am goign to someday rebuild the 76 into a dedicated rallycross rig and I have also looked into making my own stuff out of fiberglass, carbon fiber, and possibly kevlar too (yeah I am thinking expensive too) for interior and exterior stuff with even making a hood out of CF or just fiberglass with a wrx style scoop in the correct wrx spot for an intercooler and then on the pass side a NACA style scoop for a turbo cooling vent :grin::burnout: and a dash out of CF with a custom gauge layout with the tach/speedo that I posted about awhile back


so prolly in a year or so I might be able to pull it off or even get in contact with you Adam

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If i dont buy this house im looking at.....I would VERY much love to have a hood and a set of RX fenders....or regular fenders would be fine, i could drill the holes for the airdam myself anyhow.


Im wondering tho...would it be possible tomake the center "hump" of the hood wider to accomodate an 04 STi hood scoop...???


Otherwise Im in.

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I also never saw your post?


But then again I don't have any body panels either:confused:


Seems to me newer Subaru fenders, hoods etc... might be something to consider??? People will pay more for those parts. Once you make the molds the rest is just profit!!!!! ........... (Forester with hood scoop)........:rolleyes:


Do it!


82 SubaruHummer, custom body armor

01 Forester, ......Hood Scoop?.........:cool:

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It is weird that you posted this thread, my buddy from work who has started some speaker pods, made of fiberglass, and i were talking of making a cargo cover for the wagon that will lift up when i lift the rear hatch. But if it wont lift up then a one piece that will come out , quick release style :brow:


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Ohkay, no prob. I'm gonna be kinda stuck at home for the weekend, got lots of stuff to do before I leave, the yard is a serious mess from rebuilding my kitchen, yikes! :eek:

Great--give me a call at home (826-2093)--Sat morning I will be putting Lexan in the rear quarter-windows (at the shop)--plan to be back home about 2 or so--If you're in town, drop by the shop or call me later in the day or all day Sunday---



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