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Oil Cooler adapters,permanent avalibility!

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Folgers has 4 in stock now.




These oil coolers could possibly be avalible thru Folger SUBARU....we need to beable to sell 5 right off and we would stock 10-15 after that....the cost would be approx. $31.99+ shipping. Now, im guestimating and going out on a limb here since Ive not talked THIS point over with the bossman....BUT...if enough interest in posted, I'll certinly make a big push for it.


NO lines included, or the core. Due to many different demands of what people need from the cooling attributes, you provide what you desire in the actual cooling department.


Here is what is included in the adapter package:






Again, lets go ahead and get interest flowing and lets get a place stocking these things so there is not a waiting time like there has been lately.

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  WJM said:
The OIL PUMP is what pumps the oil thru everything.

hmm... whoda thought?


im still not real keen on all the tiny little bits and pieces of engines and didnt think of that :-\ . it would be a nice investment if i could find an oil cooler that i wouldnt mangle because of a rock or something in the mountain.

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When I had mine installed, I used a cheap automatic trans oil cooler. Worked well. The mounting of it was up front just under the bumper...Unless you are doing some SERIOUS off roading, A thick mesh screen over it should protect it from anything. Something like what the WRXs have over thier intercoolers.

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UPDATE: I can do $30.94+shipping, UPS.


If I can get 5 sold, We will stock 10 after that, and we will have them in stock for as long as we get sales for them.


Payment will be made to Fogler's now instead of myself. Although, we can still go with the old payment method (which is paypal) for the first 5.


So....lets get 5 sold!

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What are all the benefits of cooling the oil? Does it help significantly with engine longevity? Curious? May consider this. What does the tranny cooler cost that connects this. Can you just use heater hose to connect this or do you need something stronger? Will these fit EA81s, EA82s, EJ22?



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Shadow, TomRhere, and Alex C. 2 more!


spideyz: You should use some kind of fuel/oil rated line with a PSI rating more than 200...i used 300 PSI rated auto trans line and fuel line at one point.


The benefits of oil cooling is, is it keeps the engine running cooler, prevents the oil from breaking down due to the extream temps of turbo charging...and greatly increases turbo bearing life when the oil is cooled properly.


These adapters CANNOT be use with the EJ, EG, EZ engines. Those are metric thread...the ER, EA engines are SAE...you can choose whatever your SUBARU heart desires to connect this too. Lines, cooler etc.....

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I'm thinking about this. Lost my last subaru to persistent overheating. Don't have a turbo anymore, so I think I'll stay on the sidelines for now. I dont want to say yes now then change my mind when it comes time to show the $$.



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  robzbilder said:
WJM, who manufactures this item? Are these the same Perma-Cool units I've seen at Pep-Boys?


they are made by Hayden Automotive group. they make good auto trans cooler stuff as well. Those perma cool things are probably made by hayden as well....but sicne ive not seen then, i cant be sure.


Tom: wmaham1701@hotmail.com

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