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I need better gearing for 82 Brat

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I have an 82 Brat that I have fully reconditioned.


- New ea81 motor (used....but strong)

- 5 speed D/R tranny

- 4" lift kit

- larger exhaust

- accel coil

- 205/75/R15 tires (on puegot rims)

- 3.9:1 rear with LSD

and of course I restored the entire body and interior


I took it out 4 wheeling this weekend in Colorado. I was on a trail called "Red Cones Pass" up about 12,000 ft in altitude. This thing is gutless!!!! There were a few parts of the trail that were pretty steep (but no obstacles) and I had to be towed up these hills. That was pretty shameful. A stronger motor is really not going to make enough of a difference..........I need better gearing. Does anyone know of any possible way to improve my low range gearing? The high range gearing is adequate but the low range needs to be about twice as low as it is right now.


Any help please? Or I might be forced to sell this gutless wonder.

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If there wasn't any obstacles, then you could have hammered it up them, but really I suspect you just need time to learn to drive it. You have to use the clutch a lot.


No way to imrpove the gearing except with some sort of reduction box - like a tranfer case from a truck. Need about 8" of body lift to fit it properly tho. A lot of fabrication. Look around on the board and you will see what others have done.


unless...... do you know if the 5 speed D/R is a 1.5:1 low gear or a 1.2:1 low gear? Maybe you got one from a EA82 Three Door....



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I have been 4 wheeling on the toughest trails in Colorado in a Jeep, a Scout and a Toyota 4 Runner. I think I know how to drive. I managed to overheat the clutch a few times trying to get up these hills in the brat...........the clutch cant handle it. I start up the hill at about 4000 RPM's on level ground hoping to keep the RPMS up for when I hit the steep parts........I make it about 100 yards before the power gives out and I come to a complete stop.

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It's a Japanese farm truck with the transmission from a wagon in it, and big tires.... what did you expect?


Mine doesn't crawl enough either, but I'm using it as a platform for further development. I personally wish to keep the IRS/IFS and see how far I can go with it. My suspension won't be stock at all. I'm thinking a hybrid custom/VW suspension and a transfer case. I'm done with the short travel Subaru stuff.


If you want to rip open the tranny, it might be possible to have custom gears made for the low range, and first gear. Then have the other 4 gears redone to the specs of the original 4 speed. That way you would have an ultra-low when you are in 1st gear low range.... expensive tho.



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Impressed... I lived in Bailey, CO for along time and Red Cone was right around the corner. Never got any of my subarus very far except for an 84' hatch that had no problem(never figured that one out). Always have to pull out my Chevy for Red Cone. Anyways always impressed to see other people attempt it in a faithful subaru.

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I made the whole red cone pass without a tow.......it was going up the final stretch of Radical Hill that I just didnt have the gearing or power. I also managed to take it through Slaughter House gulch a few weeks ago. The lack of power is just killing any concept of real rock crawling.

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"It is wat is, it ain' wat it ain't" Popeye


Plus you're floggin the little girl a bit. The air is rare @ 12,000 ft.


I feel you're pain though. Best you can do is run at um. Kand N filter might help, get a little more air thru there.

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