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Who's coming to subaru heaven in NZ

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Well I have had some offer's of acomodation in the US and I would like to extend an offer to all members and friends of members accomodation(free of course).I would really like to meet you guys and show you around.You will be surprised at how many older generation Subs are still on the road over here.My number one plan is to go to Japan with my son and go to a car show and to FHI.The US just has to be next and to see the models we don't get and never got would be awesome.Let me know of anyone heading this way I will show them a good time but they must come to the south island ,thats where I live.


Regards Kevin

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Thanks for the offer.Too bad,my friend Andrew-"wagonsonly" was just down your way.



I've got relatives in Aussy,near Canberra.Maybe.....someday.....who knows.But I do know that they came here and stayed with us so hey,they owe me a favor,right?:brow: If I ever do get there I'll have to see NZ.


Consider me your personal guide to NYC and southwestern Connecticut should you ever find yourself in these parts.


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Kevin, in a year or so I'd love to take you up on your offer...I'm sure Paul (moosens) and I could split tour-guide duties and accomodations if you ever came out this way. I'm in the northern part of Conn, about 120km north of him. You have a PM with my contact info.

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oh look at you hotshot....a couple of weeks of UK and he's talking kilometers....LOL.


See you guys.....Andrew,you're not easy to get on the phone.....so call me later today,after 1PM please.


Sorry to interupt this post.And speaking of post....where's my postcard?Tasmania?????:confused:


Proposal to the USMB and Subaru world:

World Meet in NZ 2005!!!!!

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I'm not sure but I tought the UK was still behind the times and still in MPH.And as for the spelling we spell it kilometres not kilometers.Don't ask me why but your way looks better.Now Wagons only, are you taking up my offer for some where to stay, or are you offering me .My son is 18 and I'm sure you would both get on really well.Dam I wish I won Lotto cause I would be at your back door in a flash.moosens(aka Paul)I will ring you soon, just been abit busy at the moment.I want to send a video tape of some very interesting images that I am sure you will like but I think our video format is different to the US.

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Yeah the UK is still using miles but everything else is metric and images? hmmmmm well there is always finding someone that has the technology to convert it to our format heck with some people they just need the VCR that it was used for and run it into a comp and convert it in there and spit it out on the net lol

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One of these days I need to get down that way, I have several friends in NZ and others in Oz, I could easily spend a day at each place and be down there a month. I have a friend in Adelaide who said that I can stay at his villa overlooking the ocean if I come over there. So I have plenety of offers for places to stay, I'll add your's to my list, but no guarrantee when I'd be dropping by.

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