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Maybe my 93 Loyale EA82 crankshaft timing belt sprockets and pulley are sitting too far forward, causing pulley misalignement ?

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So maybe my crankshaft timing belt sprockets and pulley are sitting too far forward or something weird - or maybe it's been this way ever since I bought the car in 2016 - OR I messed something up and flipped a crankshaft sprocket when I did the timing belts & water pump in 2018. My crankshaft pulley is pressing right up against the timing belt sprocket and is held on with one big bolt (no washer) torqued to 140 ft/lbs. Also my timing belt sprocket on the crankshaft does seem to be sticking out bout this far (5-6mm) from the end of the crankshaft - although that seems the same as what I see in other postings and vids.

** after lots more research it seems I must have my timing belt sprockets/cogs stacked in the correct order, so that's not causing this problem. ** https://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/66578-crankshaft-timing-belt-sprockets-the-truth/page/3/#comment-552982


Also, to re-clarify, the sprocket with the dot on the face at 5:30 is the inner one (closest to the engine). This one also has the groove on the backside to hug the crankshaft better.

Here are good images of the one closest to the engine, that has a "dot/punch mark" at 5.30 o'clock


my cog/sprocket with the dot at 5.30 o'clock is not visible beacuse it's the one closest to the engine i.e. they're correct.



this is when I was doing the timing belts in 2019, the crankshaft timing belt sprockets are circled in orange - and this is how they were when I started timing belt/water pump replacement in 2019.


it looks like they are sticking out about 5mm beyond the end of the crank? Does that look right? other images and videos I've looked do seem the same


Backside of crankshaft pulley 20240809

large.1542098057_Backsideofcranshaftpulley20240809-1200x.jpg.9c362e7a56d846e8b2cfc818c9d27593.jpgwhat got me


Here's the misaligned pulleys ( unless Subaru INTENDED it to be this way? I doubt it )



**** EDIT 8/16/2024 2am  I measured this water pump and it is 110mm hub height, as stated @ Rock Auto.  ***  so it's not what's causing this problem.  ***


Here's another great "zen art of Subaru maintenance" showing him pulling of these sprockets/gears.. both his "protection disks" are facing the crank, just like mine.



At first I was thinking that the pulley on the water pump I'm replacing is sitting about 5mm to far back compared to my crankshaft pulley - and it seems like I bought the correct 110mm hub height water pump as I explained in this post -  in fact a solution would be to pull/move this hub 5mm higher/forward for the it's pulley to align with the crank pulley (then it would have 115mm hub height)

Also discovered tonight that the crank pulley is maybe only 2mm away from the timing belt cover so I can't move it back/closer to the crank




Thank You all







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  • Craigar changed the title to Maybe my 93 Loyale EA82 crankshaft timing belt sprockets and pulley are sitting too far forward, causing pulley misalignement ?
On 8/18/2024 at 8:21 PM, Steptoe's photos said:

read my entries on "water pump has me confused" post, above/below

Thank You! I think I got my crankshaft timing belt sprocket(s) in backwards, WRONG - they're OK

** after lots more research it seems I must have my timing belt sprockets/cogs stacked in the correct order, so that's not causing this problem. ** https://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/66578-crankshaft-timing-belt-sprockets-the-truth/page/3/#comment-552982


Also, to re-clarify, the sprocket with the dot on the face at 5:30 is the inner one (closest to the engine). This one also has the groove on the backside to hug the crankshaft better.

my cog/sprocket with the dot at 5.30 o'clock is not visible because it's the one closest to the crank i.e. they're correct.

it really seemed that my crankshaft timing belt sprockets were sticking out too far - but all the other images and videos seem to look the same as mine..





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 I measured (again tonight) this water pump and it is 110mm hub height, as stated @ Rock Auto.    so it's not what my problem is,

Also discovered tonight that the crank pulley is maybe only 2mm away from the timing belt cover so I can't move it back/closer to the crank.. So possibly the best solution would be to pull/move this hub 5mm higher/forward (then it would have 115mm hub height) for it's pulley to align with the crank pulley ... or I could use washers but I would think it might be better to fabricate a spacer disk out aluminum - or buy one - I'd think someone may have made some for all the poor guys who installed a 105mm that really needed a 110MM? and to "lighten the load" on the bearings I wish I could find a "flex fan without a clutch,  and I know many guys say dump the mechanical fan but I like good simple "fall back" systems in case/when the electric one fails..



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I did not think it is possible to fit the crank pulley belt drive cog on the wrong way.

neither did I - one "definitive marking" is the one closest to the engine has a "dot/punch mark" at 5.30 o'clock that you can kind of see in these fuzzy images. The rear cog is on the left, the 2nd picture is the pair flipped over showing the backside ... and the front cog his another notch /slot 180 degrees from the woodruff keyway. Gratefuly we can see both notches on mine (in my 1st image) so I must have them stacked in the correct order..



Here are good images of the one closest to the engine, that has a "dot/punch mark" at 5.30 o'clock




I found #10 washers at Homedepot that should work with a stack of 4 or 5  on each stud, going to blue loctite the studs & nuts. Also found some 2" O.D x 1/2" i.d "fender washers" that could work if I open up the center hole to 5/8" and drill 4 holes for the studs  - and I'd use 4 or 5 of the and it would be way more work and probably overkill.



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since my problem is neither the stock water pump height OR my timing belt cogs/sprockets incorrectly stacked or flipped  I'm staring a new topic hopefully to help others with this different kind of a problem (and help my patience and sanity) and will paste in your good ideas.. I've painfully learned some more possible potential problems - but luckily not *the hard way* so far




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