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Twin Cab Brat?

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What do you fine people think of a twin cab brat with twin T Tops.It means cutting into two brats and making one good one.Has this been done before.By the way for those who are after the taildoor strip I haven't forgotten they are on there way to being made.

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I seen it done with 2 sedans. The thing was on eBay for a while. Realy a sick and twisted machine. I would expect it to end up at a carnival :)


Time to bust out the big cutting discs, welder, and your thinking cap:drunk:

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Do it! Do it! Do it!


Use a photo editor to see the results before you dig in with the cutting wheels.


Mine had a tendency to catch fire when I was cutting it up, be careful in the galvanized areas.


Do it!


82 SubaruHummer

01 Forester

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I've toyed with that Idea for a couple of years now.

I took 2 photos cut one in half right in front of the t-top and laid it on the other photo.


It really would look pretty cool I've got 2 brats but it would cost a lot of money to do



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Just a normal twin cab like all other ones.With twin T tops on the front and the standard deck behind.


  Bratwerst said:
Are you talking about an "extended cab" style brat with dual t-tops or the front halves of two brats welded together like MorganM was talking about?


I like the extended cab version myself :brow:


- Erik - Tacoma, WA -

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I"m lucky because it in my line of work. I am a sheetmetal engineer by trade.Just toiling with the idea but have already figuered out how to do it.


  hassey said:
I've toyed with that Idea for a couple of years now.

I took 2 photos cut one in half right in front of the t-top and laid it on the other photo.


It really would look pretty cool I've got 2 brats but it would cost a lot of money to do



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Not a good idea for a few reasons. One, You would lose all integrity of the body (Unibody) and two, You would need to cut out the first section of the bed behind the cab wall to lower it down to be equal with the floor in the front in order to install seats and still have head room. When you do this, you are talking about alot of work because of the driveshaft/exhaust (at minimum) need to be relocated lower as well. (Can it be done?, sure, ANYTHING can be done) but you would also need to add support for 2 more doors or if retaining two doors only, you still need support on the sides. If you insist on doing this, you would most definately need at least (without measuring) I would guess at LEAST a six inch lift. It would be more feasible to start with a wagon and go from there, you have more to work with but this has been attempted before without good results. In my opinion, a true waste of money and a waste of a good subaru.

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Sorry phatbrat I don't think we are on the same wave length.I would cut the front portion off just in front of the T Tops.Then I would cut another from behind the T Tops doing away with the deck.Seewhat I am doing.The brat will be about another half length longer.Where you used to sit to drive will become the back seat.Extra chasiss will need to be made and strenghtening as well.It can be done and I"m in the right job to do it.Its just finding the time and another T Top brat.Then its a matter of joining the two halves together.I have sorted out the door problem which isn't a major problem.As for the cost ,well it won't be to bad, it will just be my time as I have my own small engineering business and all the gear and knowhow to do a project like this.Its still a challenge but can be done!If you can get stretched limos and you know how long they can be why not a stretched Subaru ute.

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Yes just like a crew cab.Read my answer to phatbrat.


  MorganM said:
Ah so this would be more like a 'crew cab' brat. Not the double ended freak mobile I was talking about :lol:


This is a much needed upgrade to the BRAT... more room in the cab! :drunk:

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Well not quite the same thing, but i am working on a 88 wagon got the top cut off , now working on makeing the back work like a brat tailgate, then i have to work on the back wall of the cab, so it would end up being a 4 door brat with a truck bed. but never really thought about takeing two brats and doing that with, but i guess if you had one that had a messed up title or no title you could do it and not feel so bad about it. i just finnished building a new computer, so as soon as i get everything loaded i will post pictures of the project periodically.

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eh mine sjust gonna be a extended cab setup just enough rom for me to recline the front seats so i cna take a nap after work in the mornings

when i am 2 tired to drive home


the back doors will be welded up

and yes i have figured out a reinforcement to cover the missing section of body i cut off

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  subGSR said:
What do you fine people think of a twin cab brat with twin T Tops.It means cutting into two brats and making one good one.Has this been done before.By the way for those who are after the taildoor strip I haven't forgotten they are on there way to being made.

use a wagon and a brat. use the wagon for the front passenger area, front door and such, the use brat for the back, do u want 2 or 4 doors? 2-doors would still be more appropriate with a wagon to start with.

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Ahhhh, Now I see what you are saying. I thought you were taking a top from a BRAT and fabbing into an already existing BRAT (Into the bed area). What you are saying doesn't sound TOO bad. Alot of work? YES, But it can be done. If you have the time/money/means to do it, I say go for it! It will be quite long. Heck, why not go all out and make a BRAT limo with 6 seats?

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Yeh its a big job.Maybe a two year project if it gets of the ground.But I think there is enough work in a crew cab model yet alone a six setter limo type.Thanks for your comments though its good to get other peoples point of view and ideas.


  PHATBRAT said:
Ahhhh, Now I see what you are saying. I thought you were taking a top from a BRAT and fabbing into an already existing BRAT (Into the bed area). What you are saying doesn't sound TOO bad. Alot of work? YES, But it can be done. If you have the time/money/means to do it, I say go for it! It will be quite long. Heck, why not go all out and make a BRAT limo with 6 seats?
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Something I whiped up in PhotoShop after reading this post. Sounds like a good idea, would make for better storage. If its done, possibly have an enclosed storage with inside access. And have outside access via an lockable panel in the rear of the bed :)


I dont know about any extra seating tho... that might have to involve a EA81 Wagon+Brat.



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  PHATBRAT said:
Brian, what did you whip up? All I see is a regular silver BRAT. Am I missing something here?
He extended the area behind the T-tops (where the targa stripe would be) by about 8 inches or so; its like the old nissan 'king cab'...


- Erik - Tacoma, WA -

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