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2003 WRX STi motor install in 88' Wagon

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It just so happens I've come by the situation to pick up a rolled 2003 WRX STi and I was wondering if i could get some speculation on what it would take to put that motor into my 1988 Gl wagon... just a thought beings that picking up the motor, trans, ECU, and Wiring Harness for $500 doesnt seem to bad, thanks in advance for any speculation and feedback on this Idea.

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heres a pic.


I'm sure if this stays on the first page long enough, corky will chime in.



I did a search for 'ultimate RX' and at least 10 different topics came up about puitting EJ motors into EJ cars. Its been done a few times on this board, and a whole bunch of times by the Oz folks.. just look around a little, its all here

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you're in the best possible place in the western hemisphere for subaru technical support. there are so many subagurus near you it's not funny. or maybe it is, or both. either way, you won't be sorry. i know I won't be. :P


seriously, if you can afford to pick up the STI, do it or perhaps hook up someone else on the board.

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Wow $500 for all that.You would pay at least $2500 to $3000nz over here for that, well done.See there are good reasons for living over there .Things are cheaper.


  WagonBoy said:
It just so happens I've come by the situation to pick up a rolled 2003 WRX STi and I was wondering if i could get some speculation on what it would take to put that motor into my 1988 Gl wagon... just a thought beings that picking up the motor, trans, ECU, and Wiring Harness for $500 doesnt seem to bad, thanks in advance for any speculation and feedback on this Idea.
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Too bad we are about 200 miles apart, but that is still not too far. Anyway, I've done this before, I am the creator of UltimateRX, and just finished my latest project, creating a 96 WRX STi Type R out of a wrecked 96 Impreza Brighton. I can guide you through the conversion and help you over the rough spots, e-mail me at corkysrocks@isomedia.com .

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Dude, get the WHOLE car. you will need axles and rear diff and drive shaft....dont forget that you would really enjoy attempting to do the 5 lug swap with those aprts and haveing a BIG BIG Brembo brakes on that sucka too.....

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Yeah, Who the heck do you know??? I've never seen a WRX drivetrain for 500 bucks especially an STi. And you're gonna get the whole kit/caboodle for that much??? Maybe it was a typo and it was supposed to be 5K??? If not, where did you find such a bargain??

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looks like a good deal to me. even if it is juat a WRX and not Sti, let me know if you are not going to do it, i will drive down there and get it for $500.00. thats like steeling it.


but seems like wagonboy has not posted any replys sence his first post, maybe he was mistaken.


o-well someone will get hooked up



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  Dr. RX said:
Too bad we are about 200 miles apart, but that is still not too far. Anyway, I've done this before, I am the creator of UltimateRX, and just finished my latest project, creating a 96 WRX STi Type R out of a wrecked 96 Impreza Brighton. I can guide you through the conversion and help you over the rough spots, e-mail me at corkysrocks@isomedia.com .

Corky, I may be wrong, but I thought that the 1st year they made type-r's was MY97?

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Americanyouth you are right, but that is why it says replica on my signature block. In an earlier post on my car I explained all of this. This is the second car that I have built that Subaru could have built but didn't. The thing that I find strange is that all the unique bolt locations for a WRX were there on my 96, eventhough Subaru never made a 2dr WRX until 97.


Spanky_pete, the Type RA is a 4 door, the Type R is a 2 door, that is the only difference. On the web site that you provided, there is one mistake that I noticed, he stated that the high spoiler was not available on the four door until 98, I have pictures of a 95 and 96 4door Type RA with the high spoiler, otherwise the rest of the info looks correct.


I guess I'll have to change my name to Dr. WRX now. :lol:

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