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I’ll ask around but figured I’d start here. 

I have a 2.2 and ECU and full harness. Also still have a running 94 Legacy with same EJ22 and all it’s associated bits. I am due to take the 94 off our books. It’s rotting in the corners etc but still functions fine. 

Looking for that more simple, more reliable power plant for our 2006 OBW. 

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Only the block is good for this swap. You’ll need to drop the block between the 2006 heads. 

This will allow you to run the factory engine management etc with the EJ22. There’s no other east way to do it without a whole lot of bastardisation that would need to be pioneered - even then it might not be too reliable. 

The other way to do it is with a complete harness layover of the EJ22’s engine management and ECU. This will have complications as your 2006 may be a CANBUS system and will throw a tonne of codes at you since it won’t know it’s running another engine. Emissions stuff may also be an issue doing it this way. In Oz you can’t put an older engine into a newer car like you’re suggesting. 

Swapping the block in between the factory 2006 heads would be the way to do it if it were me. You’d be copping a power loss with the reduction in displacement and there may be an issue with the “mushroom” shaped combustion chamber created with the EJ25 heads on the EJ22 - might not be an issue, I really don’t know for sure. 

Food for thought! 



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Thanks. Yeah I’m not sure but I think ours is not CANBUS 

Hadn’t thought about a block swap. But given my space to work that’s getting more tricky. 
That’s why I’d hope to just do the full ECU, harness, and power plant in one shot. Kind of what folks did with second gen Legacys.


Yes you’re right, I probably do need to wait to get past the law. But they upped it to 25 years now not 20 anymore. That could mean indeed be an issue since it has another emission test due. My state may have some flex. We are amazing cool with our lack of inspections. But the emissions you can’t too easily get around with these newer pieces of plastic. 

This 2.5 in our 06 is just annoying me. I probably need some patience and more time with it. 

Cheers ! 

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