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EA81 Splitting the motor.

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I know now why it costs so much to get a Suby motor reconditioned, as you go through the motions you

begin to wonder if its worth the trouble, just pulling the old motor apart, getting the  Gudgeons out and

separating the two halves is mind bending. My biggest problem is separating the two halves anyone with

any tricks would be appreciated.




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8 hours ago, gazza01 said:

any tricks would be appreciated.

Ensure you have all the bolts out. It should tap apart with a little bit of effort after this. 

Some times having the block sitting with the cylinders vertical and tapping the top half upwards can work well. 

I’ve pulled an EA82 and EJ block or two apart, but not the EA81 specifically. 

Double check there’s not a bolt missed as this will stuff you up big time and then lock will never split. 



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