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Seized ea81 engines


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I seem to be getting a lot of ea81 seized engines of late, always just the one piston that is totally 

jammed hard. I find it always impossible to get the Gudgeon pin out of the seized piston, meaning 

I have to split the motor and try unbolt the connecting  rod to the seized piston, and then try to drive the

seized piston out with a piece of timber and a big  hammer,- sometimes works. If the piston is totally

Seized nothing  Im using seems to work  has anyone out there got any ideas.


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Totally shooting from the hip here, these are all ideas and I've never done any of these methods.

1. Maybe you could fill the piston from the bottom (use it as a bowl) and fill it with dry ice or liquid nitrogen. Maybe you could get the piston cold enough to get it to shrink and you could use your timber+hammer method to remove it then. You may have a temperature transfer to the cylinder walls so this may not work. But the sleeves and piston should contract at different rates.

2. Pour water into the cylinder all the way to the top. Reinstall the head (maybe add some cheap RTV or the like) and stick the block half with the head on into the freezer. Maybe the hydraulic pressure from the water freezing could remove the piston. Or you'll end up cracking the block or head so best use a head that is already too far gone.

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