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2001 Forester - Cam moved during timing belt install

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I had all the cam and crankshaft marks lined up during the install of a timing belt when the driver's side cam moved several teeth (2 inches) counter-clockwise.  The belt was tighter than I was expecting and I must have pushed or pulled a bit too much.  Anyway, it moved quick, like it was spring loaded.  I'm not sure if the next thing I did was smart or not. I put a wrench on the cam bolt and attempted to move it back so the marks lined up. I was almost at the mark when the cam then jumped 2 inches the other way (clockwise). I put a wrench back on it and was able to get the marks to line up again. Did I just screw up by moving the cam independently of the crankshaft and other cam?  Did moving it in both clockwise and counter-clockwise cause some damage?  Not sure if I'm in a jam or not.  

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