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Hi all, i have a 93 AWD Wagon. Runs great but:


When i start to accelerate....it shakes badly....once it shifts into second gear 'it' goes away, but when I first drop it into drive and begin to accelerate it shakes the whole damn car.....almost as if I was driving on snooze strips (on side of highways...)


Im thinking its one of the two universal joints.....never changed'em before any tips?


Thanks, MB

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Many joints I have changed - why ?


The CV joint boot opens , allowing an influx of water and dirt, also causing an exit of the special moly based grease. Very quickly the CV becomes noisy, with a click-clack sound during turns on that side. We operated our Honda with this noise for a year and 12K miles, finally got tired of it and replaced the whole axle.

As the boot was replaced (too late) the axle was servicable, yet noisy..


Your Subaru noise is a different problem if the CV joints are full of the good special grease and the boots are unbroken.



looking at a '95 AWD Leg

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On my 1997 legacy wagon you can not change the u-joint you have to replace the drive shaft. The drive shaft is around 500.00 new. and 150.00 used. They are easy to replace. Lower the mud guard, unplug the oxygen sensor, take the two center bearing bolts off and the four little bolts at rear end. The front will then slide right off. I am on my third one. (288,000) miles of rural Rt. mail stop and go driving.

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