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Wish me luck

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I'm worried too. Orlando isn't gonna get the full brunt of it like you guys are, but still I'm concerned about hail and downed branches, etc. I've spent WAAAY too much money on my cars to see them get destroyed in one day.


I think I might ask a friend to meet me at my college tomorrow so I can leave one car in the parking garage and leave the other one in my 1-car garage. Unless my job is open tomorrow and I hafta go to work, then I dunno what I'm gonna do :(


Good luck dude, and remember, Subaru guru Opie is in your town too...

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Tims right man... sorry, but you have priority's. Tell the wife to screw the furniture, YOU HAVE A BRAT TO PROTECT!!!


I was watching CNN and all they can talk about is that hurricane. They had footage of a building that was toppled. Some dude stored his 1/2 restored '55 Chevy pickup in a brick shed for protection and the poor thing was crushed when the bricks fell on it :( So maybe it is better outside. Store it in a field, empty field with nothing in a 20mile radius :) Then it should be safe.



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Not to fear guys, it seems Brats take hurricanes pretty well. There is a showroom-quality 87 Brat for sale not 200 feet from my house (that I want incomprehensibly bad:)) that rode out the storm and still looks great.


I fared okay, I have a fallen tree in my backyard, but that's it, both cars are A-Okay.

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