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What do you guys think about this???

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the sucker king told me this


there is a 1983 gl10 wagon . it has no engine or a bad engine.

was offered to me at $500 as is or $800 with a good used engine thrown in the back, you gotta put it in.

also i believe it was an auto (it's been a while) and may have been front wheel drive. converting a car with an 2wd auto over to four wheel drive proved fairly easy for me (time consuming, but problem free).

i also have an 83 wagon for parts and you could take all the 4wd goodies from it, no charge.


Now I am up for some wrenching but this seems like a big project?


What would you say would be the biggest problems in trying to do this?


Can I make this wagon into a 4wd manual? If so what about dual range?


Does this mean modifications beyond what i can take off the 83 wagon up for grabs?


let me know what you think





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$50 As is


$150 with the other motor thrown in



GL-10 = quirky old school digidash = trouble


2wd = a lot more work


Auto = more liklihood of trouble


Overall, a $50 car


(for comparison, my father in law sold his 85 GL D/R wagon in good shape with a new clutch in grand lake CO for $500)

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Last running 4WD manual 83 wagon I was privy to the sale of: $200 - drove it away. Bad wheel bearing, brakes needed bleeding, and bad tags.


Last non-running 4WD manual 83 wagon I know of: Traded a $50 camera for it. Great condition - blown HG. Made a good parts car - might still resurect it at some point.


I bought my 84 2WD 5 speed wagon in nearly MINT condition, and low miles (140k) at a dealer auction for $400. Drove it for 2 years before I converted it to 4WD, and in all that time, all I ever did was change the oil.


2WD - not-running - automatic. I probably wouldn't even take it if it were given to me for free unless it was real close. Last 2WD Auto I got, I drove away for $1. Even had good tags.


Seriously - pass.


As for putting the engine in - not a huge deal, but still a good days work.


Conversion to 4WD is another thing entirely. I did that, and was starting with a manual 2WD, so didn't have to deal with the pedal assembly or clutch, and I will NEVER do it again. Too much effort when 4WD cars can be found cheap.


Digid-dash = bad juju.



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it doesn't matter to me if this guy buys this car or not, there is no money in it for me. but i'd like to say this.


this car is beautiful, virtually rust free, every panel straight and that is rare.


it is not a $50 car or even a $200 car. sometimes it drives me nuts when everybody on this board likes to downplay the value of our cars, really it's just cause we're a bunch of tightasses who know how to find stuff for LESS than it's worth.


i would pay the $500 as is price for this car if my wife would let me right now. in my opinion it is a fair price. you can DEFINATELY find a cheaper wagon, but it won't look like this. if you were to find that beautiful subaru for mere pennies, more power to you. but don't hold your breath.

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Well - of course condition is everything - but only IF you are looking for something to restore. After all, this is an 80's soob we are talking about here.... and not even a Brat. It's value on the market is pretty low already.


Sounds like he wants 4WD, and a D/R.... if the car really is so nice that it deserves restoration, then it probably should be left the way it is - not hacked up for a 4WD conversion, lifted and then beat up.


So..... it really depends on what you want. Do you want something you can have fun in, or something you can restore fairly easily? Or will this be yet another pavement queen, with a lift and meaty tires, that never sees dirt? :rolleyes:


IF you plan to see dirt flying with this thing, then save your money and put it into the drivetrain and suspension. The exterior will be shot in short order if you go this route, so you might as well start with something less than perfect, but in running condition. You'll pay less, and have more money for the cool off-road parts you're going to need.


And don't say "I'm going to take it off-road, but not beat it up..." because that's just the same as a pavement queen now isn't it? If you don't have more body damage after each season, then you aren't trying hard enough - might as well stay on the pavement. And if that's the case.... WTF are you doing with a lift in the first place?



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ehh, snowmobile trails in the winter are a nice compromise between a hard core dent collecting rig and a stock subie. stuff like that.. i don't like getting dents on my car or leaving paint and grease on trees and rocks, for that matter.



i'd say that if you could get the seller to budge on the price a little, and if you have something else to drive so you're not in a rush to finish the conversion project, then it could be worthwhile. throw some rear discs in the back when you do the 4WD swap. you can also do the 4wd swap separately from the manual to auto swap (i'd do that first if you do them separately) , and you can do the motor and AT/manual swap at the same time. drop the engine/trans and front suspension all at once and put the new engine and manual trans together on the floor, lower the body back onto them!

basically, i'd attach more value to a pristine body. and if you're going to have the ENTIRE driveline and suspension out of it at one point, i'd root for you to clean up and undercoat the bottom too. good luck!

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it doesn't matter to me if this guy buys this car or not, there is no money in it for me. but i'd like to say this.


this car is beautiful, virtually rust free, every panel straight and that is rare.


it is not a $50 car or even a $200 car. sometimes it drives me nuts when everybody on this board likes to downplay the value of our cars, really it's just cause we're a bunch of tightasses who know how to find stuff for LESS than it's worth.


i would pay the $500 as is price for this car if my wife would let me right now. in my opinion it is a fair price. you can DEFINATELY find a cheaper wagon, but it won't look like this. if you were to find that beautiful subaru for mere pennies, more power to you. but don't hold your breath.

It would have to be pretty damn special to be worth $500 with no motor. Thats not me being a cheapass, thats just realism.


Blue book on a running driving 84 2wd auto wagon is only about $500


A year older, no motor and possibly one of the worst transmissions subaru ever made does not make it worth $500 as is unless you are a collector going for a complete restore.


If the seller won't budge, pass. Theres better out there. Lots.

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i see what everyone is saying and its great!:cool:


i do thank the sucker king for letting me know about this car.

but i think i would prefer to find a manual 4wd then go from there.

as far as being a urban assualt driver only thats lame, i live in a desert. im going to be out there on the trail eventually. dont need that subaru with a perfect body. im also new to car restoration and would like a smaller project to start out with. i want to keep seeing comments on this though if you wouldnt mind. just in case i change my mind :lol:



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$50 As is


$150 with the other motor thrown in



GL-10 = quirky old school digidash = trouble


2wd = a lot more work


Auto = more liklihood of trouble


Overall, a $50 car


(for comparison, my father in law sold his 85 GL D/R wagon in good shape with a new clutch in grand lake CO for $500)

Way more realistic prices here for that car :)


I paied $400 for my 88GL wagon. It ran and drove just fine. Pretty rusted out though.


I wouldnt hesitate to offer him $50 for the car and $100 for an ENTIRE engine. All he'll say is no or try to work you up ;)

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John, we're not passing judgement on you, it's just that we've all seen better deals, and without seeing the actual car, it's easy to torn down a car with no motor for 5 bills.


no, no, i have not taken this personally, nor have meant anything personally. this guy asked for opinions, and that's what he is getting.


still to suggest this car is worth $50 is rediculous in my OPINION. although i realize i am the only one to have seen it.


the general is correct. it depends what you're looking for. this car may not fit the bill for this guy. i acknowledged that in the original post.


i was asked if i knew of anything for sale, and that was my answer. when i look at old subarus, the one thing that is the most important to me is the body, as it is the one thing that can't be fixed. i paid $450 for a 1980 hatch 2wd auto with a bad tranny but no rust. what an idiot right? it's now a 4wd d/r w/ only 130k and i am sure it's the best purchase i have ever made as far as cars go. i haven't seen a rust free hatch for sale in my area since (2 years).


also consider this: suppose the deal was this car as is and a second car, a running rusty 4wd wagon for $600 total, then a good deal? you could build one hell of a car from it. well according to a lot of people here, the $100 rusty runner is easy to find, so this deal is really no different from that. did that make sense or have i rambled too long?


i'm not offended here, it's just that i've heard people on this board say they would never pay more then $50 bucks for an lsd ar $200 for a brat, etc. the truth is these things are worth whatever you can get for them, and this guy will get $500 for this car. since he's not actively selling it, in a year or so he'll probobly get it from me.

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John, I agree. All pricing is relative. I paid $2700 for Richie's Brat as that is a cheap price for a Brat that cherry in AK. In Oregon, it was probably a bit high. It would have gone for more then that on the East coast. You'd know the value of a good clean car in CO better than anyone else. Your integrity was never in question.

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no, no, i have not taken this personally, nor have meant anything personally. this guy asked for opinions, and that's what he is getting.


still to suggest this car is worth $50 is rediculous in my OPINION. although i realize i am the only one to have seen it.


the general is correct. it depends what you're looking for. this car may not fit the bill for this guy. i acknowledged that in the original post.


i was asked if i knew of anything for sale, and that was my answer. when i look at old subarus, the one thing that is the most important to me is the body, as it is the one thing that can't be fixed. i paid $450 for a 1980 hatch 2wd auto with a bad tranny but no rust. what an idiot right? it's now a 4wd d/r w/ only 130k and i am sure it's the best purchase i have ever made as far as cars go. i haven't seen a rust free hatch for sale in my area since (2 years).


also consider this: suppose the deal was this car as is and a second car, a running rusty 4wd wagon for $600 total, then a good deal? you could build one hell of a car from it. well according to a lot of people here, the $100 rusty runner is easy to find, so this deal is really no different from that. did that make sense or have i rambled too long?


i'm not offended here, it's just that i've heard people on this board say they would never pay more then $50 bucks for an lsd ar $200 for a brat, etc. the truth is these things are worth whatever you can get for them, and this guy will get $500 for this car. since he's not actively selling it, in a year or so he'll probobly get it from me.


thanks alot sucker king i understand now the postion i put you in. i dont think you have led me stray i dont expect much from a five hundred dollar car. never mind a mint body. i think everyone was reacting to the post as in i dont know enough about subarus and might buy something that i could find alot cheaper. the fact still remains that you have this great plan for this car. and i just dont know if i am up the challenge of this project. i still think i may find a 83-86 hatch back with 4wd and a stick. so i got to wait it out i guess. i will most likely find what im looking for and pay a good price for it too. i dont doubt for a second that this car you refered me to is worth the price after visting this message board for just a few short days. thanks again for your help and please keep giving it to me.



are you on the front range and i was wondering about your suggestion of putting the engine in over there??? do you mean i should come over with all my tools and my fingers crossed on a long weekend to try and put a good engine in this subaru>?< or did you have something else in mind???????????

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ehh, snowmobile trails in the winter are a nice compromise between a hard core dent collecting rig and a stock subie. stuff like that.. i don't like getting dents on my car or leaving paint and grease on trees and rocks, for that matter.



i'd say that if you could get the seller to budge on the price a little, and if you have something else to drive so you're not in a rush to finish the conversion project, then it could be worthwhile. throw some rear discs in the back when you do the 4WD swap. you can also do the 4wd swap separately from the manual to auto swap (i'd do that first if you do them separately) , and you can do the motor and AT/manual swap at the same time. drop the engine/trans and front suspension all at once and put the new engine and manual trans together on the floor, lower the body back onto them!

basically, i'd attach more value to a pristine body. and if you're going to have the ENTIRE driveline and suspension out of it at one point, i'd root for you to clean up and undercoat the bottom too. good luck!

you make it sound so easy!!!! i like the sounds of this post the best i mean i want to take it all down anyway. i just am not sure about investing so much without anything to show for until further down the road. and with winter coming working in the cold sounds like no fun to me. what to do????? guess i just need to keep to my guns and try like hell to find that 4wd hatchback 83-86 that runs and is a manual. so what do you think out there anyone got what im looking for ???????

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heh, that's the trick, making it sound easy :P

considering it an investment is not the best course as you will never recoup the time and labor put into it.

I'm saying that you can put in the rear 4WD stuff before the rest, as opposed to at the same time. i'm thinking of saving time. just leave the driveshaft out and the rear end will roll along. then you can do the double conversion later, but if you do the conversion first, you'll have to put in the rear end stuff at the same time because otherwise you'd either leak oil from the trans where the driveshaft yoke is missing, or you'd put in the driveshaft yoke and have the rear end of that flopping around while you drive.... no thanks!


If this car is all you can find, then this project would be very inviting, and a mint body is worth some consideration.... but you might be able to find something already equipped if you wait a little longer. you are in a good area for subarus, after all.



you make it sound so easy!!!! i like the sounds of this post the best i mean i want to take it all down anyway. i just am not sure about investing so much without anything to show for until further down the road. and with winter coming working in the cold sounds like no fun to me. what to do????? guess i just need to keep to my guns and try like hell to find that 4wd hatchback 83-86 that runs and is a manual. so what do you think out there anyone got what im looking for ???????
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