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No headlights in the Brat ('78)

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ok well here goes the story. Tuesday night after working on my beast up at Andrew's house, I drive the 15 minutes back to my place in the Brat. It was about 9:30ish at night so of course I had my headlights on. I get back home, and shut it all off. About an hour later I go to move it about 5 feet forward and I turn on the headlights and nothing comes on. No headlights (high and low), dash lights, tail lights, or license plate lights but I do have turn signals, back up lights and brake lights. I do not have power at the fuses which are right after the headlight switch so I'm guessing it is either the switch or the main power wire that goes from the battery to the headlight switch. In my FSM, it shows a parallel fuseable link setup right after the battery. Now when I got the car, it was completly corroded and I HAD to cut it out so I could at least drive it. How important is this fuseable link setup? Andrew had the same thing happen in his '77 wagon and he said it was the power wire going from the battery to the switch. So is there anyway I can test the switch to see if its good or not?

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had similar problems with electrical issues. in fact, I still don't have reverse lights. Could be that some of your grounds are bad, corroded and what not. That fuseable link setup could be doing it along with some other stuff. There are so many grounds, and if one is bad, everything connected to it won't work well. I had to sand down all my connections to get the corrosion off. I don't know if this will help you or not because I atleast had power to my fuse box. Just tonight, I was driving and my lights went out, so I jiggled the wires under the steering column and they came back on. Hope you figure it out. The fsm wire diagram sucks rump roast btw. doesn't tell jack.

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