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My '01 OBW recently started making an annoying squeal which seems to be coming from the right/rear brake. The sound goes away during braking and cornering.


Would a new set of pads fix this, or could it be something totally unrelated to the brakes going bad?

Before you do anything, take it to a power washer car wash and blast out the brakes with high pressure. Could be as simple as grime caught in the pads.

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Before you do anything, take it to a power washer car wash and blast out the brakes with high pressure. Could be as simple as grime caught in the pads.

Good call. Sometimes a rock or something can get wedged up in there funny.


I would also suggest pulling that wheel off and taking a good look. See if there is an indicator clip on the pad. It will be a funny looking metal tab sticking out an end of the pad that will rub on the rotor surface to indicate the pads are getting low.


If there isnt one then stick your head in the fender well and look directly down onto the caliper. Youll see the rotor sandwitched between the pads. Might need a flash light; gets dark in there :) There should be some meat on them pads! If not then it might be time for new pads.


Prolly a good time to check your front pads too; just to see how far you got to go since you are all dirty now anyways !_!

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I join in suggesting you do a thorough job of cleaning the area of the right rear pads/rotor/dust deflector. I once experienced such a noise and rushed out to buy new pads only to find a piece of very hard grit lodged between the dirt deflector and the rotor that somehow stayed there and made awful noises....

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