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91 Legacy power light flashes?

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It's for when you're feeling "spunky"


I may be wrong but without looking it up in my manual the car is supposed to have two different driving modes depending upon the needs you're asking of the car. You can actually switch between modes manually.


Have I ever felt a difference? Nope.

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Yes, if it's flashihg you may have a problem.


It has nothing to do with two different driving modes.

It should come on with the other indicator lights at start up and then go out and stay out.


If it comes on and flashes , it's trying to talk to you.

Check your manual.

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When the power light comes on when you floor it, it just means you're driving "less" fuel efficient, and the shift maps will be more agressive.


If it blinks it means there's an issue with tranny. You can check the codes by following the instructions on my site.

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Yes, if it's flashihg you may have a problem.


It has nothing to do with two different driving modes.

It should come on with the other indicator lights at start up and then go out and stay out.


If it comes on and flashes , it's trying to talk to you.

Check your manual.

Oh, okay...so it's not different driving "modes" but it's different shift "maps"

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  • 2 weeks later...

A flashing "POWER" light on startup is a indicator that there has been a transmission fault present. However it is unsual that it only does it sometimes - normally it will flash every time the ignition is switched on until the memory is cleared.


Go through the proceedure to check & clear the fault code. Then if it does it again then start looking at the fault it gave.

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