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Suspension help for 86 GL10 wagon

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I have recently bought dealer springs and had Monroe sensa trac struts put on all four wheels.The rear suspension was at the bumpers before and after the new springs and struts were installed.As far as I can tell the front seems lower as well.I was hoping that the new install would have brought the hieght up some but it seems as if it has lowered the car.Is there something that I could do to raise the hieght up to stock.I am quite confussed on this.

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Ive never seen the aftermarket ones being adjustable. You CAN get the XT rear struts, and 4WD fronts....that will raise it about 2 inches front and rear.

Well just a clarification, i meant that the OLD ones were adjustable, and adjusted all the way up, then when he switched in the non adjustable (im assuming), monroe ones, it dropped it.


or they're just the wrong ones. dunnno.



tyler j

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probably got sedan struts. they are shorter.. if you want struts that are the same length as the adjustables cranked up, I always order struts for a 90 Loyale 4wd wagon. that seems to be the only way to guarantee that I get the right ones. But you hve to have the long srings to go with it as well.



And yes, there are aftermarket adjustables, they are made by KYB.

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probably got sedan struts. they are shorter.. if you want struts that are the same length as the adjustables cranked up, I always order struts for a 90 Loyale 4wd wagon. that seems to be the only way to guarantee that I get the right ones. But you hve to have the long srings to go with it as well.



And yes, there are aftermarket adjustables, they are made by KYB.


I was not aware that the 4wd vs 2wd fron wagon springs were different....and that all 4wd struts are the same in aftermarket. TALL. 2wd are short.


ive not seen any adjustable KYB's for these things....where can I find them?

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