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BRAT shifter kart body, props to Moosens, and what is wrong with New Jersey

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Most important thing is public thanks to Moosens for storing this body at his temple of Subaru until I could get my self up there for the pickup. He is the man.


The body is in hand and will go under the sander and grinder tommorow to begin it's resurection into the glossy slick lid for a shifter kart. For those of you not familiar, imagine a go kart with 10 inch wide R compound slicks, disk brakes and a motorcycle engine and tranny. Pics will be up tommorow.


And last but not least, what the hell is wrong with NJ? I stop at a gas station and find out that I can't legally pump my own gas. Gas is also 30 cents a gallon higher there (wonder why). I have no respect or faith in a leadership that places highschool drop outs in charge of fueling the car of a scientist who works in the space program in the name of public safety. Lets face it, if you are pumping gas as a career you are probably not in the upper precentile of intellect. Clearly you are not a hazmat specialist, or a chemical engineer. And I don't like people touching the Impreza. And don't get me started on finding a gas station not occupied by the practitioners of the so called religion of peace.

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We can't pump ours here in OR either. And frankly, I've never had a problem with any of the attendants. The jobs pay pretty decent, but are certainly the bottom of the food chain, I would agree. At least they have a job. Jobs without qualifications are important to a certain degree. There will always be people who need them either because they are bone stupid retards, or perhaps they are just in a transitional period, and can't find any other work. Lots of manufactureing jobs are moving overseas, and a lot of those people are going to have to move into customer service oriented positions instead. I certainly *could* pump my own gas, but I would just rather let someone else handle it - less messy, and from what I've seen, our gas isn't a whole lot higher than WA where people pump their own.



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*Blech*. I don't mind getting out to pump my own gas... and if they ever decide to make it illegal, it'll be one more thing I'll have to complain about. Seems the state gov't interferes enough as it is (got a little too much country boy in me... just wish everybody would quit worryin' about what I'm doing, and spend more time on stopping the bad stuff).


'Course, if they had somebody that would clean my windows while I pumped the gas... or if NY did legislate that annoyance, I suppose I could clean my own windows while the attendant pumped gas. *shrug*


Congrats on the body, by the way. Sounds like it'll be a hot little ride ;)

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tell them to check the oil and WW fluid, and tire pressure, and coolant overflow bottle, and wipe off any bird poop (i hated parking under trees!), and clean the license plates and corner lights too. all good reasons to get out of the car and pump your own gas.

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Yeah, New Jersey sucks big time. I prefer to pump my own gas but when I moved here to NJ it took a while to get used to. I don't like it though. Their reason for this is because of the EPA. Too many people were topping off their tanks and having overspill. EPA jumped on that one. It pisses me off because just like my old BRAT, I can still put anywhere from 1 dollar to 1 dollar and fifty cents to top it off. They refuse to do that. As for price, New Jersey is supposed to be one of the cheaper states since the gas comes in through the ports of Newark but New Jersey being the ripoff state that it is, still jacks it up.


As for the shifter kart, It sounds awesome. I can't wait to see the finished product. You should have told me you were coming to the garbage state. I just missed Paul, because I had stuff to do. Is it safe to assume that you also went camping??Ha Ha Ha Boz

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note to self, make sure i have enough gas to get through jersey.



on a side note, subarubrat, do you know of anywhee in maryland to go off roading? my friends are getting trucks and suv's and i want to take my rx off road when i get it done.

sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread.

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That is the main reason why I try to avoid traveling long distances in Oregon. During our recent trip I was guarding the WRX so the pump monkey wouldn't f*** it up. Instead, he spewed gas all over the Hatch. From now on, no one pumps my gas, I don't care where I am. :(Can't wait to see the Kart. :D

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Gas pumping in NJ... Well last time I was down to NJ and the attendant walks up to me and yells at me for pumping my own gas.. I just blew him off... Told him " TAKE A HIKE PAL YOUR NOT TOUCHIN MY CAR PERIOD." He starts yelling at me that its a law.. So I told him to go call the GAS POLICE ON ME...

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yeah as GD says we don't pump our gas and I do respect the fact that there is people to do it cause it is giving them a job period and I used to be one of those "octane technitians" for about 4 years off and on (a half year at a arco station in brooks that no longer exists and 3 1/2 years at a wilco farmers station in woodburn) and for me I was always careful with peoples cars when I filled them up and for us if someone is caught pumping their own by a fire marshal (and they do frequently check too) the station gets a big fine and also sometimes the person that does the pumping too cause here they consider it a fire hazard for some odd reason and guys don't knock me down for this post cause of the way I spell things or anything else cause I used to work as a gas island jockey


but right now I work for a manufacturer that pays me a lil over 12 bucks an hour for a easier job (and still couldn't afford to goto WCSS) than the last job which was the gas station for 7.25 an hour and working 10 hour shifts without lunch or breaks and also being on my feet usualy running cause of customers that get pissed off cause we were not fast enough or other things. So please respect the ones that pump your gas and if your paranoid about the pumper ask him/her nicely to be careful of the car and usualy you will get some good service out of it. Trust me I have been there and usualy if it is a Really nice car I was more careful than what I would do to my own cars.

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The idea of automobile drivers creating a hazard by pumping their own gas is obsurd. It only causes trouble down the road. More than once I've seen people with Oregon plates on their cars, at a California gas station stand there and scratch their heads cause they dont know how to operate a fuel pump. That is plain stupid. It should not only be a right, but also a responsablilty as a car owner to pump your own gas.

I feel the same way you do SubaruBrat, I dont like anybody touching my car... no matter what its for. And those gas nozzles are made of metal, and any half witted ******* in a chevron uniform can scratch the crap out of your car with one.


The go-kart idea sounds great. Do you have all the parts you need?



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i used to travel boston and santa barbara for business, but i was just stunned how hostile philly/jersey was when i was there last summer.


been a long time since i was out there, but it was just amazing.

i saw 3 phyical conflicts in the philly airport, was attacked by my cab driver

armed with a shoe, ( i had maps, but somehow he took me 60 miles the wrong direction while i attempted to correct him) and wasnt impressed with the people i was there to deal with...




i think they put gunpowder in the water or something...

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That's the stupidest crap I've heard all day! ILLEGAL to pump your own damn gas? I know I'd have a lot of citations for breaking this law. :rolleyes:


CALL THE GAS POLICE he says! BUAHAHahaha :lol: Good form cole098... good form.


EPA said its cuz people spill it on the ground? Is that bad for mother earth or something; spiling gas on CONCRETE thats laid OVER TOP of the earth? It will evaporate before any helpless, cute, furry animals come along to lick it up or water to wash it away to the storm sewer. The EPA needs to get their agenda realgined on some REAL issues. I'm supprised NJ citizens let that get passed.

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The funny thing is, last I checked, unemployment was WORSE in Oregon than Washington. Looks like it doesn't create that many jobs. :rolleyes:


What I respect is intelligent people, no matter what they do for a living. So far, I haven't come across any that pump gas for a living. And the fire hazard thing is total bs. The huge puddle that was left when the guy sprayed the Hatch with gas is worse than I've ever done. :(

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"best bet to do if you have troubles like that is to talk to the manager of the station cause it is their responsibility to keep your car nice also"



No, hell no, it is my responsibility to fuel my own car. It is a menial task that does not need a make work position. I can pump my own gas and I can wipe my own rump roast. There are hundreds of make work positions that could exist. There could be mandated grocery cart pushers, you name it. Bottom line is I don't want to pay more for my gas or hand over responsibility for a simple task. And above all, just because they screwed up their own lives I shouldn't have to endure the make work position it creates so they can have a job that need not exist.

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"i would try to pump my own gas anyway, and if they forced me to stop, i would be standing over their sholder the whole time. if they screwed up, it would be the last mistake they ever made. especially if they put regular grade in my car, ewww"



That just about happened! Exactly that. I was in the Impreza which runs a fairly high boost EJ25. This guy reaches for the 87 octane. 92 won't quite cut it, I have to find the 93, and he is reacing for 87 and had I not been standing there it would have gone in.

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