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My suckiest Subaru Day Yet (AKA Murphy's law bit me in the butt) Long

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Well today was suppose to be my recovery day from WCSS#6 and it was going fine until about 2:00 in the afternoon. Earlier in the day I drove out to my dad's place because he need help measuring a part of the roof of his house.




Well, on my way home I was just going along and my GL's engine started to sputter then it died. I got myself pulled over in the center turn lane and popped the hood. My first though was that my ignition module wires had come loose again like they did at the RallyX on Sunday. So I farted around with them, tried starting it up and it ran for about a second. After that I ended up waiting for a big enough break in traffic so I could push the GL into the parking lot across the road.




I opened the hood back up and notice that my evap filter didn't have any gas in it, so i then crawled under and looked at the back filter and noticed it was empty too. So I my next thought was that I might have just ran out of gas. I took a look at the gage; it said I had about a 1/4 tank left but my trip meter showed that I had driven enough miles that I could be out. So I then found a phone and called my dad and had him come bring some gas.




He shows up we put most of the gas that was in the can into the tank and it still didn't start, we then pored a little down the carburetor it then started but ran only for a moment. At this point I know it was something wrong with the fuel system. I check the fuse but it was still good. I tried tapping the pump with my lug wrench and that didn't help. Since I didn't have my tools with me I could do any more testing, so I had my dad drive me out to my place.




He dropped my off and I walked over to Flowmaster's place and asked if I could borrow his fuel pump and fuel pump control unit from his brat. It was Okay with him so we moved his Subarus around so we could get to what I needed. One problem his brat's fuel pump has a different electrical connector them my wagon. I didn't want to snip the wires so we called up Baja but he wasn't home. I then called a friend of mine who isn't on the board because he can't afford Internet or to insure his hatch that is the same year as my wagon.




He basically said come get what you need so packed up the tools and headed out there in my Legacy. I got there and got to work on getting the parts I needed while he kept an eye on his 18-month-old son. Hence the reason he doesn’t have money. I took off from there and headed for the GL.




Once I got there the first thing I did was trying to swap the Fuel pump control unit. I did this first because it's easier to do then swapping the pump and at the Subie shop I use to work at, the control unit was more often the problem then the pump itself. Well swapping the control units didn't help so I swapped the pump and filter assembly. Tried starting it again and it started just like it should. I then shut thing down and put my control unit back in and it started up just like normal again. I let it idle for a while and began packing up.




Before I took off to park my GL at my dad's I realized that I need to lock up my Legacy. So I shut down the GL and lock-up the Legacy. I get back in the GL stick a key in the ignition and began to turn. About 3/4 of the way through the movement of the ignition lock it stopped turning. I had put in my Legacy key in by mistake and some how it managed to turn the lock. I tied turning it back but it wouldn’t turn. I pull the key out and put the correct key in but it wouldn't go in all the way so it couldn't turn the lock either.




I then tore into the column and remove the actual electrical switch from the lock and turn it. I heard the starter begin to turn the engine over and stop. I tried again a few more times and it did the same thing. I then checked the wires at the battery and one was loose. I tightened them and tried again. Same thing it beings to turn and stops; I tried jumpstarting it with my legacy and that didn't work. So after trying a couple of other thing I felt the starter motor and it was HOT, hotter then the engine block, so it looks like I may have actually overheated a starter motor. Well it was getting dark by this time and I tried to do a solo push start and that worked. I got everything packed and drove my GL to my dad's place since it was closer then mine. He drove me back to my Legacy and I drove home.




What a crappy day.

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yeah I was but I do have an extra pump floating around somewhere and I had that problem with my 83 a few weeks after I got it and had a heck of a time replacing it cause the connecter was already cut off so figuring that it was a replacement I replaced with a aftermarket pump that I had laying around

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I kinda had a sucky day yesterday too... my alternator crapped out AGAIN!! It seems to be a yearly occurrence for me... it was doing the typical idiot lights coming on at low RPM thing... but this time the tach was bouncy... never seen that before... Went to the Aloha store, they had an alternator, but when they put my pully on (dual pully) they discovered the shaft was bad.. oh well the bad one goes back in and I get to work 40 minutes late!


Today, I went to the Hillsboro store that the Aloha store told me to try yesterday, they were now sold out! Great... now off to Forest Grove or North Portland? Well since I have class in an hour I went to No Po (after class of course) Well I finally got lucky, the alt came straight out of the box with a dual pully (a MATCHING black one this time too instead of the ugly gold one) So.. the car runs good for now...


Just the alt hunt wouldnt have been so bad if I hadn't broken 2 bolts on my brats intake manifold right before getting in the car and learning the alt was toast! Sometimes things just dont go right!

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I feel you guys' pain. I finally got my brat's body all straightened out, painted, interior work done. Brushguard installed. Ready to turn it loose as my daily driver, and the carburetor craps out and the car idles at 3500RPM. So now it sits in the driveway, waiting for me to fix it. But at least it looks good in the driveway now.



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