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vibrating/grinding...??? under acceleration in a left had turn


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ok im puting my suby back together so i can take it off to college in a few weeks. new clutch, brakes, and i also rebuilt the carb. but for some stinking reason after puting the motor back in after the clutch job im getting a funny and irritating grinding or vibrating feeling in my feet, and also at times its audiable, ive change the axle and i still hear it, ive taken the brake calaper apart and put it back and double checked everything, i tourqed the castle nut on the axle to the required tourqe, ive changed the tranny oil, and fixed one exhaust hanger near the motor. none of this seems to rid me of the problem. my dad speculates that it is the tranny or now has changed his mind and though it was the axle and that wasn't it. now he has sorta suggested that it is a rubbing sound. possibly when the motor is tourqing when i accleerate on a left turn something is rubbing. he speculates that it could be the tranny mounts or something like that. can anyone udersand what im trying to say? if so can anyone help me out?


sorry for asking so many questions but the first time i posted aobut it no one seemed to be of help.

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ok im puting my suby back together so i can take it off to college in a few weeks. new clutch, brakes, and i also rebuilt the carb. but for some stinking reason after puting the motor back in after the clutch job im getting a funny and irritating grinding or vibrating feeling in my feet, and also at times its audiable, ive change the axle and i still hear it, ive taken the brake calaper apart and put it back and double checked everything, i tourqed the castle nut on the axle to the required tourqe, ive changed the tranny oil, and fixed one exhaust hanger near the motor. none of this seems to rid me of the problem. my dad speculates that it is the tranny or now has changed his mind and though it was the axle and that wasn't it. now he has sorta suggested that it is a rubbing sound. possibly when the motor is tourqing when i accleerate on a left turn something is rubbing. he speculates that it could be the tranny mounts or something like that. can anyone udersand what im trying to say? if so can anyone help me out?


sorry for asking so many questions but the first time i posted aobut it no one seemed to be of help.

I've found that vibration during aceleration which goes away instantly when you let off on the gas can be due to a bad DOJ (inner joint on the axle).

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brake caliper bolts

wheel lugs

axle nut (re-check ;) )

check the DOJs like Ed says, front and back, sometimes they're sneaky like that

um, i've had the slider pads for the brake pads interfere once when i put them in wrong; make sure they aren't rubbing...

are you "over there" or "over here" now?

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im still in renton but will be back in CHeny some time in the next week and a half. :)


i initialy changed the axle out with a new ( remanufacured ) axle, then just today i swaped it out just 2 weeks after the previous one. nothing changed. so im thinking its not the axle. but i did noice alot of play in the splines coming out of the tranny, lots of movement that didn't seem normal, how much play is to much, cold this be a factor.


the last time someone told me to re check the nut i did and went way past the tourqe setting but still had the same sound...i will just to double check but im sure its fine.


aso how do i check the DOJ ( inner joint...) can i tell if its bad without taking the boot off. also what is the slider pad?

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My '82 BRAT made a wierd noise when accelerating hard, or taking off from a stop while turning left. Seemed to come from the right hand side of the vehicle. It had new axles on both sides, along with new bearings and seals. I spent quite a bit of time trying to find where it was coming from, with not much luck. It still did it after I pulled the axles, and just had the outer stubs in the hubs, (needed axles for the Wife's '84).

Upon pulling the engine and tranny out, I found the mounts to be bad for both the engine and the tranny. One engine mount actually feel apart while the engine was hanging on the hoist, definetly a bad mount there. So I would look at your mounts for signs of deterioration.

I had atributed the noise to the fact that the EA-82 engine only cleared the framerails by about a 1/4", and it was just the engine rubbing the framerail during acceleration. I haven't found any sign of contact between the engine and framerail as of yet.


Just thought of this, maybe it's the pitch stopper assembly making the noise???????? Could be worth a look.

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i put the car on ramps today and found that one of my tranny mounts was infact bad, i used some wire to strap it down tight and took it for a drive but found that the bad mont was not the problem. i did alot of left had circles in a parking lot today and tried to put a finger on the problem but couldn't. i will check the mounts on the motor now that you mention it .

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after more anaylizing i found the sound to be more focused to the right side...i guess my dad while riding shotgun was right...imagine that. the sound dose seem to come farther back than the front wheels, this afternoon im going to check the right side out and possibly find my problem...if not i will wait till something just brakes.

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after more anaylizing i found the sound to be more focused to the right side...i guess my dad while riding shotgun was right...imagine that. the sound dose seem to come farther back than the front wheels, this afternoon im going to check the right side out and possibly find my problem...if not i will wait till something just brakes.


well i looked at some more stuff. the bolt to the pitch stopper deal was lose so i wrenched on that but that didn't help. i checked both brake calapers again and nothing was wrong.


i don't think it has anything to do with the wheel bearing because it is only heard when taking a left hand corner. like the bad wheel bearing i found on my vw i could hear it all the time, the CVs are good and it dosn't sound like a bad CV would sound. the only think i can really think of is the tranny, after i got it all back together after the clutch job i was driving up the road and dropped it into 4low....don 't as why but i turned on a paved road and the car kinda just stoped...i was only going about 5mph but the car came to a hault and i heard some funny noises....but after that i don't remember hearing this noise im discribing....could that mistake with 4low on the pavement brought on a problem?


Thanks if you can help...it seems this topic is not something many of you have heard of.

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