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help with a GL please


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ok I just got this 87 Gl and the timing belts and distributer were in the trunk, ive been working on it for about 3 weeks now and i just cant seem to get it right i can get it to start but it is by no means close to being in time, is there a trick that i dont know. i put the crank at tdc, put both cams to tdc reinstalled the distributer and pointed the bug at the number one on the cap and it wouldnt do anything but if i pull the dis and put the bug pointed to #4 it will kinda run. and i know that my wires are set right I found the firing order in a book that i looked at at my local autozone. Im at my wits end if you can give me some ideas please do im lost at this point. I have the EA82 engine if that helps.

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my bet is that you missed rotating the crank 180" after putting on the first belt. may I recommend that you read this




and good luck!

Thank you so much that was very informitive and your right i missed the fact that the cams needed to 180 out from each other that is awsome i cant thank you enough lol.... no im not excited... anyway I know what im doing in the morning lol

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