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New CV joint Clunking when the cars weight shifts

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I'm not sure exactly if it is a bunk CV I got or maybe something else has gone awry. But It seems to me that there is alot more whirring coming from the drive then before. As well as when I shift gears or just use compression to slow the shift of the cars weight makes something clunk. My old camry made a similar noise... I think it was a strut gone bad and making noise. But the Soob started shortly after getting it's new axle, and has gotten consistant in it's new louder fashion. I did hear it clunk a few times, not always, repeatedly like a bad CV clacks when it goes, but with alot deaper thunking instead of clacking. Anybody expirience this before???

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Well it ended up needing a new wheel bearing, as well as my old hub was too old and worn. The splines inside it had decayed so much that there was signifigant play in the CV's connection to the hub. We thinks that was what had caused the thunking... All the abuse the wheel gave to that point wore a rut into the lock washer. But to add insult to the injury of that, possibly caused by the "loosness" in the hub, my wheel bearing was on it's last leg as well. But she's good as new now.... and i'm broke :banghead:

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