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Possible new rim possibilties?????????

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Ok i had a couple of axle/hub parts off of this honda i was workin on....

So i started to look at the hub.....well i looked as if it had the same offset as

the ea82 hub bolts, the ones that hold the rotor to the hub...matched the them up and sure enough they were dead on..(the holes just need to be a 1/4 bigger)

Now what i was thinking.....What if you used a stud go thru the rotor and nut on the end to hold the rotor and hub together .....then slide the wheel on and use the same stud to tighten the wheel down.....

of course youd have to knock out the existing studs and grind down the little slots on the center .....what do yall think??



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seems to me if I understand you that is, you may be able to drill out the Honda hubs to the correct 1/4" larger diameter and just use longer bolts to go through the wheel then the hub and into the rotor. A lot of trailers and farm equpment use bolts instead of a stud and nut to hold wheels on with. The heads have tapered shoulder. The only problem might be the spline count on the axle shafts may be different. Might could just use the Subaru hubs and Honda rims with the holes drilled 1/4" larger to fit.

Anyone else understand this or am I in my own little world?

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