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subaru sells fog light assemblies only as complete units

thus, the price...


you get the bulb, harness, lense assy... it's complete


check with wholesale on line dealerships such as www.allsubaru.com and www.subaruwrxparts.com - even if you dont see the item on their sites, they can get it to you, and at wholesale pricing.




I did find a decent price at 1stsubaruparts.com.

They want $91 plus shipping. I guess that's

the best I found so far.


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Probably not the solution you're looking for, but if I were faced with this, I'd get a pair of Hella 500 fogs (or driving lights if you prefer) for $60-$70 or so, and use this as an opportunity to upgrade. This would require a bit of subtle modification (it won't quite bolt right up) but should be quite easy to install.



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they are not available from subaru in anything other than the complete unit


try www.google.com for "used subaru parts"


i've used www.aaronsauto.com and Halspartsandservice.com with much success


good luck!



Thanks for all the responses, everyone but I kind of know I have to get the dealer part. I was just looking for a cheaper remedy. I see after researching that an oem foglight is the only answer besides a junkyard. I found $91 the cheapest dealer price so far. It's just too bad i have to get the whole unit when only the glass part is cracked.


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