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hurricane, ea82 engine, and scored gl-10 parts car

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ok guys scored a gl-10 parts car this thing is so rare down here it's like scoring um lol I'm at a loss to find the words :banana::D


but it has no engine :confused: bleh..this car is obviously a US import as it is left hand drive, but it is as loaded as any ea82 ever came... only thing it lacks for my needs was 5 speed fulltime 4wd


so cars specs. are:



ea82 turbo

power everything

air suspension

rear discs!

rear sway bar

4eat fulltime 4wd

sun roof

cruise control blah blah


so I'm here to anounce my 'project car' lol


Project DL-10


now on a different topic I've gotta secure all my oily subaru parts stuck on my back porch and possibly move them inside..Hurricane Ivan is heading our way category 3 storm..YIKES wish me luck guys, wish US luck in our little island of Barbados..we're gonna need it...

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