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Laborday MPG....!!


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well i just got back from a little trip i took over this weekend...my 84 GL got 28.7 mpg, i went over two mountain passes and a few large hills, got stuck in traffic and drove on some old logging roads. not to bad i would say, 335 miles on one tank.:)

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do you have a hicrappy on for your carburator? mine sucks gas bad!! I've done the secondary mod to it but it could use a rebuild I'm sure, I bet I only get 12-18 at best. :mad:

yea...the rebuild was quite strait forward really, just make sure all the parts get go back the way they came.


i hope to be able to get 30mpg on my way to school in Cheney. i just drove to Levenworth via hwy 97...really hilly 70ish hp and hills= :dead:

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