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My legacy survived the hurricane...

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everyone out in Subaru land will be happy to know that my 90 Legacy wagon survived Hurrican Frances (cat 2, 105mph winds). She was parked safely in the garage and my 99 altima and my 88 Cherokee sat in the driveway. I lost my fence, some roof, screened porch enclosure and a few other odd things...but for the most part I am doing good. If only Ivan would stay away. I am writing this from my computer that is running on myh generator. We lost power Saturday evening and FP&L believes it will be another 10 days before power is restored. I have pictures if anybody is interested. Hope everyone else had a better week.



Hurricanes BLOW!!

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(Frances is "hitting" us tomorrow here in Denmark, but of course it's only a weak shadow of itself and will bring little but rain and a few gusts of wind.)

Hit us here on Wend. and Thursday. Lots of rain...lots of flooding.


Ivan is supposed to be a lot worse than the last two.

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Glad to hear you and your subes are in one piece!


My brother moved from Stuart (Fork Rd.) to Ft. Pierce and now to Atlanta just 2 months ago. I already miss visiting your area down there and have been wondering, is there anything left to Hutchinson Island? I can only imagine its condition.

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