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CV Boot repair

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Hey Bill, If the CV is already going bad, don't waste money on a boot kit. Most of them are junk anyways. I'd just do a new/reman axle and be done with it. This is where I got ny new one, I think this is the same one they sell at Auto Zone too. http://www.automotive-axles.com/axles.asp?Model=Loyale+%2F+Sedan+%2F+Coupe+%2F+Wagon+%2F+2WD+%2F+4WD+%2F+GL+HB&Submit=Next%3E Later, Tim

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whats a new axle cost? I'd probably do good to do both even tho only one is bad. My only problem is $$ I'm short on it and I at least need to temp fix one for now, I have access to others but boots are shot on those too.
i just got a rem. rear for $70. there was a deposit until i bring back the old one which was $50. i bought it at checker auto. im not sure what kind it is though.but they said "its the right one"......



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if you get the axle(s) at autozone i know they have a lifetime warranty so if it breaks again (due to extreme off roading, right?) you can take it back to them and tell them to replace it because they didnt know what they were getting into when they said "free axles for life" muahahahaha.




the axles are also universal.

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Just wait. Let the axle rip itself to shreds. Get as much use out of it as you can. Wait until it starts ticking, then starts knocking, then when it starts knocking when you're going straight! Chicks love the sound of clunking CV axles :D


Then when the thing is just about to break completely in pieces, replace it with a reman axle from www.cvaxles.com for $55. They are one of the most recommended axle builders in the Subaru world (I'd say about 80% of it is me though :lol: ). Tough axles put to the test by rally cars, genuine lifetime warranty (I've tested it) and a great price.

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