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I love my Weber!


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I've learned a lot about webers in the last few weeks. Some background: I have a fine rebuilt engine in my '84 Brat complete with a hotter Delta cam and weber. It was due for emissions and it failed bigtime:


..........HC (limit) CO (limit)

cruise 169 (170) .06 (1.2) Pass, but just barely

...idle 1293(220) .09 (1.2) Fail HCs bigtime


My favorite emissions guru got the HCs down to 600 but finally gave up and said, "It's the cams."


I came to the same conclusions as Jon of Scio (the other weber thread) with some help from people at Bow-wow and carbs unlimited and the weber manuals (thanks oddcomp and svenguli7). The engine rebuilder checked his weber on his engine (which has passed emissions) and found the idle jet at 50. I have a 45 jet and the mix screw is at 3/4 turn out from bottem (indicating too rich). I found a 55 jet in one of my spare webers and installed it. Tried tweaking it as best I could and took my chances with an emissions re-test. Here are the results:


...........HC (limit) CO (limit)

cruise 142 (170) .39 (1.2) Pass

...idle 253 (220) 2.63 (1.2) Failed HCs and CO.


It's nice to see reality fit the theory and I'm sure we can get it to pass when the emissions guru is back (he lost an argument with his chain saw and is unavailable for a few weeks). However, I'm curious as to why the CO went out so badly when the HCs came in to reasonable range.

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