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Front accy pulley on 95 Outback. (2.5l)

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I'm looking for the accy pully for a 95 Outback with 2.5L engine. (Pulley and bolt) Anyone have one laying around? Would the one fit off the front of my 89 XT6? (Before it goes to the junk yard?) I need to fix a friends Outback.


Is that common for the pulley to strip like that? Oddly enough, I saw 2 yesterday. This Outback and a 91 Impresa at an auction. Both had the front engine pullies off and key had stripped the hole in the pully identically. (Vehicals from totally different parts of the country.)

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It happens all the time. Us 90-94 Legacy guys have horror stories long as your arm...


The problem is that people don't torque down the bolt enough. The Subaru manual calls for 80 ft-lbs I think, but it should really be 110 ft-lbs! :eek: After doing my timing belt, I heard some stories and actually went back and tightened my bolt down even harder, because I'd like to keep my crank from being torn to pieces, thank you very much :)


I'm sorry though, the pulley from your XT6 won't work. The pulley on EA-series engines doesn't touch the key, it only has a little ridge that holds onto the timing belt sprocket.


You might wanna ask in the Marketplace to see if anyone has a spare pulley... Also, try this place for used Subaru parts. www.4subarusuzukikiaparts.com

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