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Rear brakes conversion question..What parts can

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are there any rear disc brake parts of a 2WD that can be saved/used on converting a 4WD to rear disc brakes ..both cars are of the same age..'86
Only parts that are different are the hub and backing plate. Calipers, pads, and rotors are the same. No splines on the 2WD rear; tapered bearings and stubaxle which fit with the different hub.
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I wish I could remember the difference, but I didn't pay much attention since I was pulling for a 4WD. I think it was the hole in the center being significantly larger on the 4WD version; it has to clear the bearing housing and the 2WD only has the stubaxle for the tapered bearings.


Damn the backing plate is different also? Is it the bore of the main hole that makes it sit on the control arm? Whats different?
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