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? How do I place a pic in my thread???


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Find a photo. Right click. Scroll down to "Properties" and click. Highlight the address, and copy it.


Then click on the little yellow square right here^ with the little mountain. Paste address.


Or you could use IMG tags. Get the address of the pic, as shown above, and add in front of it, and behind it, no spaces.




The above methods works on just about anything on the internet. If you have things saved to your hard drive, you need to have them hosted. Try www.villagephotos.com.

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if the image fits in your screen heres what i do... okay on your keyboard go all the way to the top then all the way right and there is the little group of three buttons.... make sure the whole image is in your screen then hit print screen. Now open paint or whatever photo editing program you have and hit paste. Now just shrink it down and attach it to your post . Or you could just highlite the pic and hit copy and then paste it. Whatever floats your boat.

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