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Hatchbrat Madness

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Hi Everybody This is Jerry, well i did again i bought another hatchback. It is a 84 GL with front wheel drive and auto tranny, the best thing it is light blue my favorite color. I know everybody is saying why because it will be a 50-50 bar top half is subaru and bottom half samari. I am building it just about like my other hatchbrat but i will have the T tops in it. I got the car well lets say cheaper than you can buy 4 subaru oil filters. The building begains next month, the plans oh the plans a really good day. If nobody buys my other hatchbrat then my wife gets it, so if you are thinking about it let me know and get on it. Thanks Jerry

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Hey Everybody This is Jerry, i just got done talking to my wife and she said once you give the hatchbrat to me no body is going to get it. As she said it's all mine. So get on the ball if you are thinking about it not going to last long. The clock is ticking tick tick tick. Thanks Jerry

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