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Car Talk non-trashing Subaru

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This week on stump the chumps, they had a caller tell how she had a Toyota Matrix AWD and hated it. She said it was underpowered, handled poorly, not very good fit and finish, etc. Click and Clack advised her that life was too short and to get ride of it even though she only had it for a few months.



Well she took their advise and got a Subaru Outback as a replacement, and raved about it.:drunk:

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I'm always amused by people who buy a car and then find basic things to complain about. Did they not test drive the car to know how it handled? Did they not drive it around to gauge the engine's power and responsiveness?


It's like the Hummer - in an owner survey it fared terribly, with the chief complaint being poor gas mileage. Was the EPA rating not shown on the sticker when they bought the beast?


I'll agree on the fit & finish thing, one may not have a good idea of that until you've lived with it. But the rest...




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I wonder if Cheryl Crow has a Suabru with a bike rack?

Cheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong are an item, Lance is sponsored by Subaru.


Subaru is also the major sponsor of the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA). One more reason to love `um.



Why yes, my other car does have two wheels and no engine....

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It's like the Hummer - in an owner survey it fared terribly, with the chief complaint being poor gas mileage. Was the EPA rating not shown on the sticker when they bought the beast?




Actually, I don't belive there is an EPA rating for the H1... seems to me its one of those cars that has no sticker.. So I suppose its possible that some stupid soccer mom was completely blindsided by the fact it get 4 gallons per mile.

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It's like the Hummer - in an owner survey it fared terribly, with the chief complaint being poor gas mileage. Was the EPA rating not shown on the sticker when they bought the beast?



Adnan, it is a side note but the new Hummer H2 owners did NOT know the MPG on there prospective purchase. Do you know why, because of a goverment LOOP HOLE!! GM which now owns Hummer lobbyed Congress that they should not have to put the dismal MPG on the window sticker of there Hummer products because Hummers are COMMERCIAL VEHCILES, AND NOT SUBJECT TO THE SAME DISCLOSURE ON THERE WINDOW STICKERS!!! There weight at OVER 3 TONS also makes them exempt. By the way I know someone that has one 8 MPG on the highway 4 MPG around town!!!

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I was listening to car talk a while back and there was a caller that was wondering about replacing an axle on a 1978 car, click said no don't fix it, but clack asked what kind of car it was, upon hearing that it was a subaru, they both agreed that it should be fixed.

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