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Coolant flush at Lynn's Quick Lube

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I'm considering getting my coolant flushed/changed on my 99 Outback at Lynn's because I don't know how, i'm worried about not getting all of the air pockets out and stuff. Have you guys ever taken it to a place like this for a coolant flush and oil change? Is this a good or bad idea? The only subaru dealer is like 1.25 hours away and they charge an arm and a leg. Thanks for the help!

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TP, I just recently flushed my own coolant, there is a great article on here posted about 2 weeks ago about flushing and refilling. I think if you follow those instructions, and ask any specific questions on the board here, you should be fine. I have also found that some places do not refill the system correctly when I have taken my car to them, so you're not guaranteed anything. At least DIY, you can know exactly what you did, so if something does go wrong(heaven forbid), you can give the USMB specific details, which will help in diagnosing the problem more accurately.


Good Luck!

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Do a search on the board for "coolant replacement". Unless you know yourself to be completely inept and unable to use a screwdriver, DIY is the best thing. Very few mechanics are careful with customer cars. Also, a non-Subaru outfit will not know what they're doing. These cars are not like the others :-)


If you don't want to DIY, and what peace-of-mind, pay the dealer.

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