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Castana TimberRidge Trailride - off-roading pics - Iowa


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there were 31 rigs total. 2 of them were soobies :)

yeah, body damage was minimal.


all the rigs were spread out in different groups. Morgan and I had our own group :)


yes, the welded rear was awesome. and power wise, I was prefect except for a couple times where it sputtered because I had the snorkel on, and I couldn't get enough air, but it didn't die, and I still had enough power to get to the top.


the steps area (three stage) has 4 risers. from the bottom, they are 27 deg, 25 deg, 30 deg, 27 deg.


I forgot to turn my fans off the first time through one of the bigger mud holes, and I blew a fuse. replaced it and off we went...


spent $19.50 at the power car wash getting all the mud off :grin:

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Yeah we tore it up out there. Only had one hill I had to try twice and only had to use the winch once to get me out of a mudy spot. Next step methinks are mud terrains and a locked rear end. Those allterrains just turn into slicks with any mud. Open diffs faild me in two spots; had to have McBrat and my friend Andy help spot me through some better lines... just gotta work it a little different with no locker :cool:


Glad I went even tho I spent way too much money and it was a 6 hour drive one way :drunk:Wife says I can't buy anything for the Subaru for a long time... we'll see about that :brow:

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