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duck and cover

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  oddcomp said:
well its taken almost 3-4 weeks to do a simple tranny swap...

car 30 miles away can only work on it on nights off wrong parts.. assorted otehr things


so yeah.. i suspect someone is mad asomewhere

That's why it took me a year to rebuild my engine. Shop I had was 45 min drive one way. Hang in there; youll get'er'done :)


Now that I have a garage attached to my house to work in it really makes a huge difference in teh time it takes to get stuff done on my offroad toy.

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Do you have front row seats at your place? How about you throw a party and charge admission?


Hey, if it would be easier to work on your subie at home, I might be talked into dropping down your way with a dolly. Trying to get one for this weekend so I can pick up a parts car... ya, know, the one with d/r 5speed?:-p Might be worth my time and gas in order to pick your brains later.

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a dolly would be cool and had i had it here i would been done long time ago


if i can get up there today to do it i have about 2 hours left of work to at least get it running well enough to get home

and tehn do otehr things

hmm better start looking for that center longer 4wd 5speed tranny driveline.. if it rains and lots of ash i will be driving ot work in "glop"

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