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Hi. I am new to the board. I have a '98 Impreza, 2.2, which my wife drives. She needed a jump start the other night to get home from work. It wouldn't start the next morning. I tried jump starting with my truck, but the battery was completely dead, so I called AAA. Tow truck arrived and couldn't get it out of Park, so he jumped it with a battery pack, and it started right up. Had it towed home anyways(from my daughters house). At home, I tried jumping it again with my truck. No luck. I tried using my battery charger start function and it almost turned over, but still no start. So i went and bought brand new battery, installed it, and now it turns over, yet won't start. Almost wants to, but won't, like it's not getting fuel. Checked all fuses and fusible link in fuse box in eng. comp., they're all good. Fuses under dash are all good. I'm stumped. Are there any other fuses? Any fusible links at fuel pump? Where is the fuel pressure regulator located? I think I need a new alternator, but I can''t test it until i get the car running. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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