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Hit while parked again!!!!!

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Im so fed up with this. My 80 brat, even though its rather rusty and has a 2 little dents in it already, got hit while parked in my driveway lastnight. My nieghbor saw a jeep turn around on my street and backed into my tailgate and left a dent. He said the guy seemed drunk and he tried to get his plate numbers but he only was able to get 3 of them. Im so tired of this. My last truck, an Isuzu, was hit 2 times while it was parked and my 82 brat got backed into while I was waiting for a parking spot at Walmart. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!! I dont have to much stuff in my life and I try to cherish the stuff I have like my 2 Brats. One would think that the more they stay in the driveway, the safer they are from damage. WRONG!!!!!! Most any vehicle damage I ever experianced was when my trucks are parked and not on the road......... Im just really pissed.... Sorry for those that had to hear me vent......

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I'm pretty sure if you report this to cop, they will be careless about hit and run. If the damage on your Brat is severe and would like to get some cash out of this, then it is better to hire some detective and have them track the license plate number. Since you have 3 of the number, they can run it and find matching license plate and Jeep..Not sure how many will pop up, then you slowly tighten the possibility until you have one suspect..then you bust them. Sue them or what ever you like. Try to get all the money you will be spending to try to catch them.


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not saying this isn't bad, but it could have been a lot worse. my friends pacer was totalled in his driveway, guy slammed into it and squashed it into a tree. a few months before they had someone in a motorhome back onto their minivan.

good luck finding who did it



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Well my niehgbor was like I think it was something like ---. So hes not definite on the numbers and letters. The damage isnt too bad just a nice size dent to the right above the blue subaru emblem. Im not going to ivestigate or anything. Im just pissed because I try to keep things nice but other people screw things up on me.

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Well my niehgbor was like I think it was something like ---. So hes not definite on the numbers and letters. The damage isnt too bad just a nice size dent to the right above the blue subaru emblem. Im not going to ivestigate or anything. Im just pissed because I try to keep things nice but other people screw things up on me.

I know your pain!!! Happens to me alot too.Specially since I moved here to CT.The ppl in the Danbury area are a bunch of rich snobs and have no respect for others stuff.My Loyale was dent free when I bought it and it has been hit twice now in grocery store parking lots. I nailed the person who did a big scrape up the front fender with their cart.I asked them if it was their car that they had thier cart pushed up against and they guy said no..I wouldnt drive an old POS like that.I said "well I happen to own that POS and dont appreciate you scraping up the side of my car" He then said it doesnt matter..my car is old who cares what it looks like..so I grabbed his cart and SLAMMED it into the side of his new Infinity. Then said "How you like it?" He was speechless. Havent heard anything from that ordeal either ..happened months ago.

I know how you feel..I try to keep my cars as nice as I can afford..I cant afford new stuff and I have pride in what I have.I like when I get told I have a nice old Loyale..that its in great shape for a NE car..pretty much rust free...it makes my day.Then to have jerks come along and ruin it ..it just isnt right.


Sorry you made me want to vent for you...this stuff is a huge pet peeve of mine.

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Sorry you made me want to vent for you...this stuff is a huge pet peeve of mine.
Wow, Connie, hope you don't mind a stranger calling you by your name but I just noticed you are exactly 11 years younger than me. That is, if you stated your birthday as your real one (Halloween). I was trying to see if you were female (in the profile, not by other means). Must be because of an old Twilight Zone episode I know of, The Grave, where Lee Marvin was called Connie Miller, and he's been bounty hunting a guy that townspeople kill first and they pester him about possibly being a coward (sorry, telling the whole show!) until he goes to the guys gravesite to prove he isn't. Perfect Halloween episode.


Anyway... same sentiment here, I dread going to parking lots. Good for you Connie, just be careful.

Luckily I have a driveway that would mean somebody would need to take an extreme detour from the road to bump my Outback Sport. :grin:


Oh, and happy birthday soon to you--- and myself too. ;)

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Anyway... same sentiment here, I dread going to parking lots. Good for you Connie, just be careful.

Luckily I have a driveway that would mean somebody would need to take an extreme detour from the road to bump my Outback Sport. :grin:


Oh, and happy birthday soon to you--- and myself too. ;)

Happy B-Day to you too soon.Another one of us "cursed" ones:grin: .


I just feel so bad for this guy..has an old Brat which arent that common and to have some jerk come and do damage to it and then leave.Guess its cause I am the type that even if I accidentally open my door into someone elses car I will at least leave a note.

Now this guy has to either drive around with the dent or pay money out of his own pocket to fix it....burns me up.

Oh and yes I am female..always have been..but not your typical one..I been working on cars all my life and also race Enduro races on my dirt bike.

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Sad and ironic at the same time. Some friends of mine just purchased a 85 4wd N/A wagon. She started working at Target and didnt want to driver her 01 Mustang, but with the old Soob (not in pristine condition but not a beater) she's not worried about it in the lots.

The same thing happened to me in a lot over 25yrs ago in my 68 Firebird. We had just got back in and the guy next to me opened his door and hit the side of my car, hard. We just looked at him in shock cause he didnt even acknowledge it or say sorry. I told my buddy to open his door and do the same.

BAM! The guy just looked over at me, started his car and drove off. Flippin moron :mad:

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When i bought may car it had only 1 small dent in it, Only paid $50.00 for, looked real good.



After a friend drove it and smashed in my passanger front fender and i rolled it on the driver side, it only looks like a $50.00 car.

But i have no one to blame but myself, Plans to get it all fixed tho, Have my new doors and both front fender's.

Only thing is that the panel behind the rear door is caved in from the role over, I don't do body work!, Not even sure if it can be fixed.:banghead:


It's mettalic **** browne and beat to hell, But that my baby!


81,gl wagon

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