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This Loyale wont start

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the loyale we have decided not to start today the voltage is at 12 so I dont think its power doesnt seem to be fuel related from what I can tell anyone got any suggestions for what I can check for or I can actually fix I really cant afford to take it in to a shop

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When I first bought my loyale I thought mine wasn't starting either. Turned out I'm just a moron :grin: I wasn't stepping all the way down on the clutch. Hope you smarter than me. Good luck in finding the real problem.

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the loyale we have decided not to start today the voltage is at 12 so I dont think its power doesnt seem to be fuel related from what I can tell anyone got any suggestions for what I can check for or I can actually fix I really cant afford to take it in to a shop

Need tons more info. Is it turning over without firing? Not turning over at all? that would be a good place to begin.

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yah the clutch is pushed down all the way and its tryin and tryin I hear it rolling in there but I hear no firing sometimes I think I hear firing but then I listen closer and its not I read some similiar posts and unless I read it wrong its the alternator im pretty sure, the battery charge is at 12volts (halfway) when the key is turned on but when i try to start it drops to half all the inicator lights light up so Im gonna try to put in a good alternator and if that doesnt work then Ill just shoot it and see if that helps any..........

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Is the sound of "turning over" different from what it used to be? Is it turning over faster? If so, you might have a broken timing belt.


Usually, the timing belt that drives the left (distributor) side breaks because of the extra load, compared to the right side. Take off the distributor cap, and see if the rotor turns. If not, you have a broken timing belt.

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This happened to me too this morning!


Imagine this : family of 4 in Sunday best going Halloween shopping. Goes all the way to the store, finds out that the store opens at 11am, goes back to the car. And nothing works!


It turns out that the battery cable did not have a good contact with the battery terminal post.


The AAA guy used a knife to scratch off the crud and the car started.


I got an earful from my wife about buying that piece of @#$@#%.


Oh well. I took advantage of the 0% sales tax day at OSH to get a new battery. I'll cleaning out the contacts etc this afternoon.



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dont let your wife treat you like that all cars get a lil mess around the terminals when they are that old




anyways yah the loyal is getting no charge to the coil so its either a fuse or bad coil maybe? RallyJusty checked the fuses when he came to pick up my Impreza couldnt find a bad one at all so this means a bad coil?

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  • 2 weeks later...

First check the battery- A battery can have 12 Volts but no Cranking Amps. I would try a jump start from a good battery to rule out that, or try a battery you know is good.


Second check the terminals on the back of the alternator to see if there is a good connection. If the battery has 12 Volts then your alternator is probably not the problem. If you have a Multimeter then check to see if the alternator is charging.


Third, if the battery is good and you have power in the car ie. headlights, dashlights etc. Then crank the key and listen to what happens. If you hear cranking but it does not start then check for spark.( If you dont know how to do this then let me know) If you don't hear cranking then it may be the Starter or a related component of the starter ie. Soleniod (if indeed the Subaru Starter has a Solenoid)


Finally, you can try to start it using the method I have been using every day for the Past four months. Get a really long screw driver. Look at the very back of the Starter ( Under the spare tire ) . You should see a big red wire that is connected with a ring terminal. Directly to the right about an inch away with be a black Spade connector. Pull back the female spade connector just enough to expose the Male Spade coming off the starter. Then take your screw driver and touch it to the Red Wire at the ring terminal, Lean the screw driver back until it touches the male spade connector. When you see sparks you should hear your Engine/Starter crank. Chances are it will start. Also note that you should be able to pull the Spade conncetor off entirely and still get the same result. I know this may sound confusing but it is very simple. My wife is an admitted blonde and you starts this car up at 11PM nighlty to Drive to work. So it is very simple. If you have any question about this then feel free to email me at grogers@direcway.com. Thanks, Gabe

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