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Who is in Boise or ID or close!!

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I believe there are a handfull of members in your general area. If they don't answer, look page by painful page:banghead: in the members section. I think you'll find more than you expected.


Good luck,


82 SubaruHummer

01 Forester

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Page by page? Man you got way too much time on your hand! :lol:


Go to the Members section. In the upper right corner is 'Search Members'. Then click on Advanced. Under the 'City' data field put in Boise and hit submit!


I saw quite a few that came up. Hate to see you go man :( Not working out over there in WI ?

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2003 Forester owner. New to the forum. We live in Boise and it is a great place. We lived in New Zealand for many years and upon returning to the USA looked for a less chaotic place to live and thrieve. We find Boise refreshing in many ways. I will go into more detail on a later post. I do not know of jobs for you - it just isn't my forte.


My question to the forum is one of embarrasment and an very important need to know the answer quickly sort of situation.


When checking the tranny fluid, - found it low -- got in a rush and put tranny oil in the front end differential. What steps need to be taken NOW. Drain it, will it be okay. The manual calls for two different types of oil 1. tranny oil and 2. gear oil. Have not driven it and need to know how to handle the situation.


Help will be greatly appreciated

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I would find out which fluid you need and then drain it and fill it with the proper fluid you should be ok.




2003 Forester owner. New to the forum. We live in Boise and it is a great place. We lived in New Zealand for many years and upon returning to the USA looked for a less chaotic place to live and thrieve. We find Boise refreshing in many ways. I will go into more detail on a later post. I do not know of jobs for you - it just isn't my forte.


My question to the forum is one of embarrasment and an very important need to know the answer quickly sort of situation.


When checking the tranny fluid, - found it low -- got in a rush and put tranny oil in the front end differential. What steps need to be taken NOW. Drain it, will it be okay. The manual calls for two different types of oil 1. tranny oil and 2. gear oil. Have not driven it and need to know how to handle the situation.


Help will be greatly appreciated

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I have lived in the Boise area since 89, it's been a real love/hate relationship:-\


For sure the winters will be much milder than you are used to, the summers

can be quiet hot (over 100), but at least the humidity is low.


The schools seem to be pretty crowded, and traffic can be nightmarish :banghead:


Wages seem to be on the low side for entry level positions...There are jobs

to be had if you want one.


The hunting and fishing are really quiet good in the area. There are several

really good ski resorts within three hours, and the local ski hill just plain rocks!

Boise sits between the desert and mountians so adventure can be found in

any direction.


There seems to be a healthy population of SUBARU'S in the area, but the prices seem to be high! Not too many rust issues.


Hope this helps, good luck!


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Thanks Chris






I have lived in the Boise area since 89, it's been a real love/hate relationship:-\


For sure the winters will be much milder than you are used to, the summers

can be quiet hot (over 100), but at least the humidity is low.


The schools seem to be pretty crowded, and traffic can be nightmarish :banghead:


Wages seem to be on the low side for entry level positions...There are jobs

to be had if you want one.


The hunting and fishing are really quiet good in the area. There are several

really good ski resorts within three hours, and the local ski hill just plain rocks!

Boise sits between the desert and mountians so adventure can be found in

any direction.


There seems to be a healthy population of SUBARU'S in the area, but the prices seem to be high! Not too many rust issues.


Hope this helps, good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Taking I-80- eh?


Nebraska has a killer NPR system- listen to it through the whole state. Other than radio and complete lack of scenery, it's not a bad drive. I should know, driven it 2-4x per year since i was 14. Go slow through Omaha, they patrol that interchange like none other- and if you go through there during rush hr- 8-9a or 4-6p local time, try to find an alternate route around it, it's awful, far as traffic goes.


Good luck in the Ramcharger!

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Glad you made it!!!

Rust doesn't seem to be a problem on this side of the state (thank heavens!).

I spent the last couple of weeks working in Idaho Falls, and noted lots of rust,

esp on the ea81s...

The one problem I have noted on the western side of the state is PRICE!!!

ea81s and ea82s seem to be pretty pricy around here....


Again, feel free to send me a PM for any info on the Boise area.




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