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Question to all you suby experts

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I have a chance to buy a 91 legecy fwd 4speed auto . It has 94 k miles on it . Looks in fairly good shape . I drove it real quick and it seems to run good . It pulls alittle to the rt but not to bad . Engine looks good no major leaks and fairly clean for a 13 year old car . I know i will have to change all fluids ,plugs/wires .It has new tires and new muffler. Interior in fair condition it has no ac though. They are asking 900 for it .Is that a good fair price. Is there any major problems with these cars that I have to look forward too . When is the recommended interval to change to timing belt on these cars .


thanks :banana:


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I have a chance to buy a 91 legecy fwd 4speed auto . It has 94 k miles on it . Looks in fairly good shape . I drove it real quick and it seems to run good . It pulls alittle to the rt but not to bad . Engine looks good no major leaks and fairly clean for a 13 year old car . I know i will have to change all fluids ,plugs/wires .It has new tires and new muffler. Interior in fair condition it has no ac though. They are asking 900 for it .Is that a good fair price. Is there any major problems with these cars that I have to look forward too . When is the recommended interval to change to timing belt on these cars .


thanks :banana:


You should get a quote to fix (convert?) that A/C first, if you plan on having that done. I think that is a fairly spendy operation.


I have a '92 w/ 140,000mi. and the A/C still works. It has been a good, resonably reliable car for us and a great ski machine. Since purchasing it used, we have replaced the right/front c/v joint, cluch, and right now we are working on an intermittent stalling problem. Not bad.



Later, T.J.

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Ok great thanks for the reply's .I guess i worded it wrong the car has no ac from the factory. I really wanted to know how reliable these cars are . The main issue is the timing belt what interval are they to be changed ,and is it a hard to do the job myself . I have a 02 outback and love it . So I thought it would be a good 2nd car and weekend play around with it .



Mike :banana:


I've got a detailed post on www.bbs.legacycentral.org

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To add a/c would probably be a more involved job.....I'm sure it can be done, but I don't know of anyone doing it.


The first gen legacies are some of the most reliable subies out there IMO.


timing belt change interval is 60k miles. They are non-interference engines, so if one does go, it won't damage engine.


here's pics from my tbelt change


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Went back a did a good going over of the car . It has some major issues. I checked the front diff and the gear oil was mixed with tranny fluid . I also checked the tranny fluid and it was thick and smelled like gear oil. So I assume that the seal between them went . The oil also had a white flim on the dip stick so looks like coolant is mixing with the oil. So too good to be true .

Just my luck we'll thanks for the replys anyway guys .



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