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New loyale owner question

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I just signed up this morning.


After 2 months of ownership, I traded my 1989 Celica GT-S for a 92 Loyale and frankly, I'm more excited about the Loyale than I was about the Celica.


My question this morning is whether the 92 Loyales (1.8L) engine need valve lash adjustments. Mine has a tapping noise when the engine starts up cold.


If valve lash adjustment is necessary, is there a webpage with the details?


I've done this kind of adjustments in the past on a VW Bug but don't want to assume that the two engines are similar :-)





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your 92 loyal has hydralic lifters so no adjustment is possible. with my subarus i have had a problem with the oil pumps going out which will cause ticking. butif yours stops shortly after start up i don't think you have any thing to worry about

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...My question this morning is whether the 92 Loyales (1.8L) engine need valve lash adjustments. Mine has a tapping noise when the engine starts up cold.


If valve lash adjustment is necessary, is there a webpage with the details?

This is a common (and oft asked about) problem. If you use the SEARCH function, get lucky using the right search term, and are a little patient then you can find many threads on this topic.


The EA82-series engine in your car has hydraulic lash adjusters (HLAs), basically rocker pivots that maintain zero-lash through oil pressure. There seems to be several common causes for the ticking. One seems to be gunk in the HLA, either varnish on the sliding parts are puddled crud in the bottom of the HLA. This problem might be remedied by either using "Marvel Mystery Oil" (aka MMO), commonly mentioned is 8-oz added to the regular engine oil. Another suggested remedy is some automatic transmission fluid (ATF) added to the oil. Sometimes the cure is to remove and thoroughly clean the insides of the HLA.


Another common cause is an internally "leaking" oil pump. The posts I have read do not make it clear whether the problem is just drop in flow/pressure or actually sucking air into the oil stream. Either case, the cure is to do an oil pump reseal. Plenty of posts on how to do this.


If these don't work, it could be that just old-age, and requires replacing the HLAs.


Good luck, and let us know if you need more help finding the appropriate threads. I would point you at a couple, but I gotta go coach a game!



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Congrats on your Loyale...another 92 owner too...seems to be a popular year!!:grin: Mine ticks like crazy too...I get tired of ppl telling me to put some oil in it..they are just Subaru impaired thats all. I have owned mine for alittle over a year and he is the third (actually 4 th never drove my 83 wagon..blown head) and I truely love this car!I have really enjoyed my others ..an 88 GL wagon and a 90 Justy..but something about this one is special. He knows I love him too..has taken care of me even when he should haven't have. Nothing like having your axle shaft break on the highway but still making it 30 miles home...and when his ignition system went still making it home on 3 cylinders.


Thats why he is my baby..and he knows I fix him when I have the money. I happen to enjoy spending quality time with him..washing,waxing,keeping up on any rust,etc etc.

Take care of yours and it will take care of you.

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I'll try some of the gunk removal stuff the next time I do an oil change.

PLEASE make sure that you read some of the info about this from people who have actually done this. I was just predigesting the info that I have seen and have not tried them myself. I have run some ATF before, but not for this problem.


I also don't know if I would wait until a fresh oil change. Haven't thought through the pros/cons. I imagine the best thing would be to do an oil/filter change with additive and another oil/filter change soon thereafter.


One caveat is that any of these oil system cleaners could have the adverse affect of cleaning crud that is keeping you engine form leaking (more) oil. Forewarned is forearmed... with a drip pan.

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