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fuel system cleaner


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I was thinking of putting some fuel system cleaner through my RX because it has been sitting and I think a cleaning would probably make it run a lot better. I did hear, though, that sometimes it can make you fuel injectors crack. As I definately wouldn't want that to happen, What do you guys think? I have used it in the passt without any probalems, but that probably doesn't mean it couldn't happen. BTW, the brand that I have used and probably would use again is Gumout.

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Chevron Techron fuel injector cleaner all the way.


This stuff WORKS. I often work for a fuel company in the summers, and it's the only product we sell that we gaurantee will do something.

Just start using this stuff, so can't endorse yet. (Thought the bottle that I put in my newest-to-me seems to have made a big difference in startability after only 50 miles... coincidence?)


Anyway, CostCo here sells a 4-pack of this cleaner for a reasonable price.

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i also am a big fan of seafoam...i have used it in 2 cycle ,4cycle and 4 and 6 cylinder engines.....it really freaks you out at first.but it does do the job if stuff is getting gummed up.carbeurated or fuel injected engines.it is a nice touch.and simple to.

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SeaFoam is a detergent that can be added to nearly any petroleum-based fluid in your car. Run it through the gas tank and itll clean out any gunk that may be in the filter(s) and lines. Suck it up through a Vac line and it will do a SCREAMIN' job of cleaning valves. Put it in the crank case and it frees up lifters and de-gunkifies oil passages. If you want to see how well it works, try this....


Drain the oil from your crankcase and change the filter. Leave the drain plug out and start pouring oil into the engine. Watch as it comes out and put the drain plug back in when you start getting clean oil. Fill the engine with oil as you normally would, then add 1/3 of a can of SeaFoam. Run it until the engine reaches operating temperature. Drain the oil again and note the color. Generally, I've found that SeaFoam could probably clean the black off pavement. Also makes a good spot degreaser.

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yeah sea foam is good stuff. its actually a whole line of products. but the only 2 I have used are the fuel system cleaner and carbon cleaner.


oh also the penitrating oil is the best. better than yield or pen.


I hear that the techron is good too. I have used it before.


red line makes a fuel system cleaner too.

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GM has a fuel system cleaner that is excellent. You won't hear me praising GM very often, but this product really does the job. I guess they had to come up with something good for all those P's.O.S. breaking down under warranty!!


It is available thru any GM dealer. About $20 a treatment.


good luck, John

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