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side mirrors


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Hello my name is elad this is my first massage in this forum.

I'm restoring a 1976 gf,looking for those on fender side mirror both sides(like the gsr) and the front subaru simbol(looks like a stick).

any help will be great.thanks

incloding two photos of the gf,and a picture of the one and only our beloved one:"hapanter!!" (in english means the panther) a 1981 subaru brat.

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Hi and welcome to the board and where exactly are you from?


as for the mirrors you mentioned someone from the board might have them but it might come from New Zealand or some other place like that.


But if you have any questions at all just ask and there is no such thing as a stupid question

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Hello i"m from israel ,

Dispite the fact that israel used to have a lot of subarus on the road during 70-80"s this parts are hard to find here.

Because we used to see so much ,people just took it for grented.

and just now starting to relise that they are gone(destroyed by young teenagers,stolen or just roten away).

abuot the distence its not a problam i beleive it can be posted,if your friend would like to sell them it will be super,and any condition will do.

about the front simbol,i met here a guy that have five but wouldn"t sell even one(I"ll be damn!!!) so if you could help for that metter it will be great.

I saw on your profile that you are from oregon,you used to have a great web site by the name "the great subaru brat club" i beleive that he is still in construction this days,half a year ago a guy from oregon (todd,if its sound femilliar) was helping me searching tailgate for our 81 brat.

thanks for your help and have a great day!:D

  bajavwnsoobnut said:
Hi and welcome to the board and where exactly are you from?


as for the mirrors you mentioned someone from the board might have them but it might come from New Zealand or some other place like that.


But if you have any questions at all just ask and there is no such thing as a stupid question

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  elad said:
about the front simbol
Or symbol... :)


Not sure if you are talking about the same one but I have seen some "i" emblems at ebay.com. That's the only 'stick' symbol I know of.


Look at: http://search.ebay.com/subaru-emblem_W0QQsokeywordredirectZ1QQfromZR8


Maybe you were wanting the one with lines between the stars? See:


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I"m talking on an emblem that looks like this (see picture)

Do you have gf there? or you name them difrent?

The gf is like the gft but with automatic tranmision and less hourse power

  bajavwnsoobnut said:
Well same here in the states for anything older than 81 being a rarity also


and your prolly thinking of the brat pack that I started awhile back and didn't materialise that much

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f@$#!!! its to small i"ll try to send it again,but if it wont work ,this emblem is kind of a long and plate piece (2-2/5 inches width,6-7 inches length,and just above the middle it got the subaru ellipse with the stars (look at this picture and try to emagine it???


  elad said:
I"m talking on an emblem that looks like this (see picture)

Do you have gf there? or you name them difrent?

The gf is like the gft but with automatic tranmision and less hourse power

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k I will try to find one but as I said the 77 and older vehichles are rare around here too and that is the front end of my 76 4WD :) and hey since your over int Israel did you guys get a EA-65 engine imported there from 79-86 per chance? if so I would love to get any and I do mean any info on that particular engine cause that's what is in the 76 right now and I know it's a 1300cc motor and produces 65 HP but that is it period

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Its funny since when they just came here those years the subaru ,like the dl were with that ea65 engine and it wasnt hard to find ,but when the engines died it were replaced by the good old 1600 (ea 71-61).

But if you are so ardent for one its not a problam i"ll find you one,but he"ll be at any condition.


  bajavwnsoobnut said:
k I will try to find one but as I said the 77 and older vehichles are rare around here too and that is the front end of my 76 4WD :) and hey since your over int Israel did you guys get a EA-65 engine imported there from 79-86 per chance? if so I would love to get any and I do mean any info on that particular engine cause that's what is in the 76 right now and I know it's a 1300cc motor and produces 65 HP but that is it period
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my bad,if i"m not wrong i beleive your 76 wagon had a 1400 cc engine original,

if you engine dies put a new 1600 i think its the best

  bajavwnsoobnut said:
I was just asking for information about that certain motor cause I do have one and don't have any information about it don't really need one more thanks just need information
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yes it originaly had the dreaded EA-63 1400cc motor in it and I havn't seen a difference between the EA-71 and the EA-65 yet and the people that have driven it have noticed how peppy it is and that is saying alot considering some of the few drive cars with EA-81's and EA-82t's


but when it goes down for rebuild it is gonna get a few more ponies under the hood :brow::grin: ala RalliTek's and Oddcomps help :) and hey since your restoring that where the heck can you find the door weatherstriping that goes around the door entrance to seal the door and window?

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1.for your 76 wagon?

2.for which door?

3.new or used/original or replica?

  bajavwnsoobnut said:
yes it originaly had the dreaded EA-63 1400cc motor in it and I havn't seen a difference between the EA-71 and the EA-65 yet and the people that have driven it have noticed how peppy it is and that is saying alot considering some of the few drive cars with EA-81's and EA-82t's


but when it goes down for rebuild it is gonna get a few more ponies under the hood :brow::grin: ala RalliTek's and Oddcomps help :) and hey since your restoring that where the heck can you find the door weatherstriping that goes around the door entrance to seal the door and window?

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You might have a little more success if you post in the Australian Subaru board: http://www.ausubaru.com/ausubaru/html/modules.php?name=Forums


I notice a lot more older Subarus are mentioned there. That stands to reason, since Australia is a big place with NO snow, and cars consequently last a lot longer.


Remember that in Australia and New Zealand they drive on the other side of the road, so driver's side is opposite to what you're used to. Use Left/Right as if you're sitting in the car. That avoids confusion and is consistent with automotive and aircraft usage.

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I"m sorry but i dont remember seeing those on glf and other 80's,i can ask around and you could be lucky.


  SkankinPickle said:
hi elad,

i am curious as if the mirrors dipicted in the picture below were used on EA-81 vehicles in israel? (i hope, i hope, i hope)



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  elad said:
1.for your 76 wagon?

2.for which door?

3.new or used/original or replica?

ok #1 yes for the 76 wagon, #2 all the doors including the rear hatch lol, and #3 New or replica cause the used/original route would be scarry cause of being almost 30 years old :eek:


75Skunkaroo and I have been looking around for those door seals for awhile and can't find them at all and luckily the rear hatch and windshield window gaskets are easier to get cause of being aircooled vw parts :)

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Well justin I"m sorry but it seems that we dont have those, i asked at our forum in israel and most of them said they dont remember such( and they think its ugly and the regulars are better...)

any way I"ll keep searching but it seems kind of slim

  SkankinPickle said:
hi elad,

i am curious as if the mirrors dipicted in the picture below were used on EA-81 vehicles in israel? (i hope, i hope, i hope)



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I"m in progress of buying a 79 wagon for some part I need if the weather stripping are in order than I"ll give them to you,any way I"m still looking for new I"ll have the aswer for this in a couple of days:D


  bajavwnsoobnut said:
k the door jam weatherstripping is the same as your 76 and in fact the same for any and all Gen 1 vehicles (stage 1 and 2) so that should broaden the search a lil bit and the rear hatch is the same for almost all gen 1's too for the wagons except the 74 and older "tailgate" wagons
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